Looking Glass Sound is a story within a story within a story that bends, stretches and tests the limits of what you believe is reality. The three stories told in succession create an underlying current of unknowing, unease and suspense. With each of the characters warping slightly in each of the story retellings, I wasn't quite sure of who everyone truly was and it seemed like everyone was an unreliable narrator. Everyone's story seemed like an atonement piece to try to rewrite their past with small bits of their true selves coming through. While it seemed like the main character should have been Wilder, I think the real focus of the story was the first victim of the Dagger Man, Rebecca. I thought it was really interesting that Wilder interacted with the Dagger Man after he was caught, it was insightful to see the thought process of a murderer and how the meeting affected Wilder. With many secrets, twists and unknowns, Looking Glass Sound is a unique horror experience.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.