The Grimrose Girls is a young adult murder mystery combined with a little magical realism. The writing drives directly into the mystery as the girls attend Ari's funeral. Each of the girl's personalities were well developed and evident from the beginning. Yuki strives for perfection in everything, Ella has a need to please everyone around her, Rory wants to be herself, despite her parents best efforts to make her someone else and Nani needs to find her place within this strange group of girls and discover why her father sent her to Grimrose. I loved the incorporation of the fairy tales around each girl's situation. The suspense built as fairy tail deaths begin to find their matching students. The line between magic and reality was easily blurred as the girls were pulled into their fairy tales and seemed to play out their tragic stories. Even more than the mystery, The Grimrose Girls is a story of friendship, coming of age and self-discovery. Each of the girls takes on figuring out who they are without Ari, the glue of the group. They also find who they are in relation to their fairy tales and decide if they want to play into their fate or change it. With a diversity of characters and a wonderful storyline, I can't wait to read the next book.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.