The concept of a post box that could communicate with the dead really pulled me in. The setting of an out of the way village with only adults as residents set a creepy tone and Chris as a curious but wary visitor rounded out the story. Chris's character was very interesting; although he and his wife were separated, it is very clear that he was very much in love with her and his willingness to test out the mailbox proved that even more. I enjoyed that he was of Mexican heritage, but it was mentioned a little too often and didn't serve much purpose plotwise. Chris was also interesting in that he tried to do the smart thing and just leave the post box behind. This was a shorter book, and did well pace wise. However, I would have loved to expand a little more on some of the characters within the village and the lore behind the box. For example, one of the villagers tells Chris that he is experiencing a Puca, but nothing more is explained. Overall, a quick, creepy read with an atypical outcome for the horror genre.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.