Alex Farmer, an ER doctor and veteran, is on his way to visit his friend Maury; when he arrives Alex finds that Maury has been killed. Maury and his graduate assistant Cyd have genetically engineered a plant, called Cannastar, that can cure anything...cancer, addictions, even the common cold. You can drink the Cannastar tea and voila!, you are cured; the catch is that you have to keep on drinking the Cannastar, or your disease will come right back.
The company sponsoring Maury's work, Rxon, is not impressed with Cannastar since it will mean the end of every other drug that they sell. Now, Rxon will do anything to stop Maury, Cyd, Otis, and Alex from growing and distributing the Cannastar.
The story weaves the characters through constant dangers within the many conspiracies. The characters were very developed and I did enjoy how we learned the back story of each throughout the story. The secondary love story of Otis and Eloise was perfect; however I could have done without some of the other secondary love stories.
I did see one plot hole in this story, which is that if Cannastar is able to cure everything and you have to continue to take it for the rest of your life...why would Rxcon not realize that they could still make tons of money? This is sort of addressed at the very end of the book. Anyway...if you can see past that it's still an enjoyable read.
This book was received for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.