Victoria is trying to figure out who she is, though she can not remember her past. After waking up in the hospital with an array of nasty injuries, the only thing she can remember is the name Victoria. Now married and trying to build a normal life for herself, Victoria and her husband Simon have settled down in the quaint town of Taupington and are fixing up a Victorian style house, that Victoria is inexplicably drawn to. Meanwhile, a sadistic serial killer has also come to town and has decided to stay in order to make Victoria's new neighbor his latest victim.
This thriller grabbed me from the start and I had to finish it the same day. Switching point of view from Victoria and the serial killer made a great build to the unexpected relationship that they have. While the scenes with the serial killer were very graphic, they were not overdone and seemed as true to life as I could imagine. The added element of the supernatural was very interesting and I wish it was explored just a bit more.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.