The first story opens into action, our group of survivors is fighting their way out of their last stronghold. There are quite a few characters (about a dozen) to try and get to know right off the bat, and not a lot a character development is happening in the first story. The second story goes back a bit and takes place just before the outbreak happens and we do get to know a few of the characters a little better and see how the group formed. The last two stories continue the groups survival through the beginning of the outbreak.
Some of the characters that we do get to know well are quite interesting. There are army veterans, a kick-butt female firefighter, a thief and a character with an even more unsavory profession who we only get to know as Mason. One thing that this series could have benefited from is a main character, and that character should have been Mason. He is by far the most interesting, has a mystery surrounding him, a great skill set for zombie killing and the most interesting interactions with other characters. Also, the e-copies that I received could have used some editing in the spelling and grammar department.
This collection of stories was received for free in return for an honest review.