Book Title: Seven Threads: A Book of Short Stories
Author: Jason Atkinson
Category: Adult Fiction, 151 pages
Genre: Thriller and Suspense
Publisher: Mascot Books
Release date: July 4 , 2017
Tour dates: July 10 to 28, 2017
Content Rating: PG
Book Description:
In this collection of seven short stories from Jason Atkinson, follow a man accused of murder, a runaway girl on a train, a scientist at the heart of a government conspiracy, and more! Full of twists and turns, Seven Threads offers a selection of fast-paced stories full of heart and excitement.
Jason Atkinson lives in the Midwest with his wife and son. With a love of writing, this is his 3rd book, but first book in the fiction category. Short stories are easy to digest, and yet, this book still provides all the joys for the long haul reader. Jason write for everyone in mind when creating this piece and hopes you will enjoy it as much as he did when writing it.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Facebook
Q: What Genre do you write and why?
You would think that this answer would be pretty straight forward, but just like most stories, there is a twist!
I started out writing self-help. I wrote two books that are on the market for people that want to improve themselves and their relationships. I am happy with these books and I find them to be quite rewarding, however, I also find that this is a tough niche to be in. So I had to ask myself…Do I want to write my third book as self-help (which I had already begun writing), or do I want to switch to something completely new?
I waited for about a month before I figured out my next move. And as you have probably guessed, it wasn’t self-help. I still wanted to help people though, in some way or another, so I didn’t just want to write something that I couldn’t believe in.
The seven short stories in this book are a reflection of what I think is good and true. Yes, each story is made up, and they are all unique. However, each story portrays some form of kind hearted, good-natured contact with the characters I have created. I didn’t want to simply create a character that I could not relate too, or that you the reader could not relate too. I needed to make sure I wrote about a story line that was tangible, that you could see yourself in or at least someone you know.
And, that is where these stories, and this style of writing was born. I think you will enjoy this book. I think, like a lot of people who have already read some of it, you will want to know more and you will be looking for whatever comes next.