Memoir, Business
Publisher: Hunter Street Press
If you thought Hopey: From Commune to Corner Office was compelling, then Counting Hope will further inspire and challenge you.
In her memoir sequel, we follow Hope Mueller's journey into adulthood as she unwittingly recreates the dark, chaotic world she was attempting to escape. As Hope finishes college, she digs herself out of drug addiction and abusive relationships to ensure her survival. She charges forward to build a better life for herself and her two daughters. Hope reveals the most intimate and painful events of her life while illustrating an unwavering motivation to improve her circumstances and discover her true worth.
Ultimately, Hope's story shows how small, daily steps towards confidence propel us forward, even beyond our darkest hours, to a place of more joy, more purpose, more fulfillment. Written in heart-pounding flashbacks and encouraging looks forward, Counting Hope is an epic journey of liberation, empowerment, and eventual success.
About the Author
Hope Mueller is an author, inspirational speaker, and a successful executive. Hope lives in northern Illinois with her husband and actively parents her four daughters and grandson. She sits on multiple non-for-profit boards, and has launched a local scholarship fund. She is the chairman and president of a charitable organization being developed in 2019. Hope's passions are found in promoting and developing leaders, youth STEM activities, and in-need community support and investment. Her early years were marked by her experiences within a hippie commune that shaped her approach and interaction with the world, and allows her to create order out of chaos.
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Contact Links
Twitter: @hpmueller242
![]() Queen of Fate & Fire
-- EXCERPT: They say the first year of marriage was the hardest. If the blade to my new husband’s throat was any indication, they—whoever they were—would be right. But this wasn’t my husband—not really. Sure, this was Alistair’s body, and sure, he was probably hidden somewhere, crouched low in the recesses of his own mind, but the man looking through Alistair’s eyes, and wearing Alistair’s skin was not my husband. He was some kind of dark Fae, and he’d taken over. “What have you done with him? Where is he?” I’d meant it to come out as commanding, but I didn’t quite hit the mark. I was a frantic mess at best, and the monster wearing my husband’s skin knew it. This was what I got for coming to Faerie. Literally every single person with any lick of sense said demons could get possessed here. They said it was too risky. They said Alistair was in danger by following me to this place. Did I listen? Of course not. I smiled, nodded, and did whatever the fuck I wanted to anyway, and look where we were. Look at what happened to the man I loved. I should have known something was off the moment I saw Alistair fall in the gorge. We’d been trying to keep the Unseelie Fae back. We were trying to stop Verena and whatever cracked plot she was trying to carry out. I’d thought we’d succeeded. Peering into the strikingly blue eyes of Alistair’s hijacked face, I’d say we missed one. I saw the lie cross his face before he opened his mouth. No. Not today, buddy. “Think very carefully about what you say next.”I could practically feel my molars cracking from how hard I was clenching my jaw, and if my blade happened to nick his neck, well, it was just a sign that I meant business. And yeah, this was far too close to home for me. Not just that it was Alistair—not that it was the man I loved being used in such a fashion. No, this was Maria all over again. This was everything I’d buried bubbling up to the surface. And if Alistair’s face wavered a little due to some unshed tears, well, I’d say I’d earned them. Not-Alistair took that moment to pounce, bringing the sword from his scabbard up and knocking my blade away from his neck. I scrambled back a step, before our swords clashed—or rather my athame went from dagger-sized to short-sword sized after I pressed the rune on the handle, and I attacked. My fencing skills were weak at best, but no-rules swordplay? Aidan had once said I was a natural. Still, this guy was parrying every single strike like he was humoring me rather than fighting for his life. “I am not your enemy,” Not-Alistair’s mouth said, but his voice was no longer my husband’s. It had a burr of something else I couldn’t place. A smokiness that had never been there before—not even when he’d been phased. “Really? You got a funny way of showing it.” My frustration bubbled up inside my chest as I slashed and parried. I couldn’t say why I didn’t want to use the power that roiled beneath my skin, but I didn’t. I could kill him. I could hurt him. But I didn’t want to. ![]()
Natural Medicine, Inflammation awareness, Weight Loss, Soul journey
Date Published: June 2019
Publisher: Paper Raven Books
The 4 pillars that helped me feel more confident and sexy in my postpartum body than I ever have before. Also, the emotional and soul bits that must be in place in order for the higher led journey to make it’s way in the physical and manifest positive results.
About the Author
Dr. Nadia Rizzo, ND is a naturopathic doctor who is best known in her professional and personal community for her outgoing personality, dedication to helping others, and problem solving abilities through life's issues.
In 2019, Dr. Rizzo, ND published her first book "Eat Your Way Sexy". The book was written as a straightforward guide for women - it provides soul-filled insight to losing weight and dealing with the deeper issues that lay beneath the weight loss journey and self-confidence building.
Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Dr. Nadia Rizzo, ND graduated from the University of Windsor in 2011 where she completed a thesis in psychology that revolved around the connections between lifestyle factors, stress and health.
Nadia then went on to attend the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine from which she graduated from in 2015. She completed her licensing exams, mid pregnancy in 2016.
Dr. Nadia Rizzo, ND is a thriving naturopathic doctor who focuses on understanding her clients as a "whole being". Clients come to her with roadblocks of all sizes which she helps them overcome by implementing gradual changes that make a difference to their entire persona.
By resolving problems from a comprehensive and inclusive perspective, true transformation can occur - allowing the clients to feel wholesome and intact. As Nadia says, "Nothing exists in isolation, nothing".
"Eat Your Way Sexy" is available for purchase online at Chapters Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon and
Contact Links
Twitter: @NadiaRizzoND
Pinterest: NadiaRizzo
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![]() My Gargoyle
-- EXCERPT: The scratching continued in the snow above, bringing her demise closer by the second. She refused to go down without a fight, and she’d end her life before Fedor ever laid his grotesque hands on her again. In all probability, his touch would kill her anyway. She held her breath, trying to cease her shivers, knowing she must lie perfectly still and wait…wait for the exact moment before they broke through the small barrier of snow that encased her frigid body—a body that could not and would not freeze to death. She braced her hands down at her sides, readying to push straight up. Please let the snow beneath me hold my weight. Her thigh muscles ached with tension as she contemplated the thought of moving. Count to three. They’d expect her to be in a slumber. One… Her feet and calves tightened ready for action. Two… Her fists clenched into tight balls, prepared to strike. Her stomach rolled, threatening to hurl, but she knew it was empty, and had been for some time. This is it. Three! Tempest unleashed whatever strength she had left in her tired, battered body, bursting through the thin barrier of snow. Two paws hit her square in the chest, and a pair of large glowing red eyes met her stare. Startled and off balance, Tempest stumbled backward. Her feet slid out from underneath her. Rogue had found her, not the Vemlers or Fedor. She slid downward on her stomach, her arms desperately grasping at anything to stop her fall. “Rogue!” The beast pounced through the snow down the hill after her, trying to grasp a piece of her with his large fangs. It was too late; her body flew through the air. She reached out and snagged a tree branch, to swing in the forsaken snowstorm at the mercy of a small twig protruding from a tiny ledge. Looking down into a vast crevasse with no bottom in sight, she thought maybe she’d get what she wished for, after all. “No, I take it back, I don’t want to die. Creators, help me, please. Why do you hate me so?” Tempest squeaked, looking up into the sky, which continued to dump endless amounts of snow. Her hands, next to frozen, would not support her weight for long. Above, Rogue perched on the small ledge preparing to jump after her. “Rogue, no! Stay!” she pleaded. A single tear rolled down her cheek, symbolizing her desperation and fear. The crazy beast would die with her; she knew that. If she fell, he would jump after her. Rogue howled a mournful cry. His large grey-and-tan-spotted body crouched low. Tempest knew he was angry; his pointed ears lay flat against his large square head. She felt his frustration through his piercing red eyes. She swallowed a shriek as her hands slipped slightly. Rogue moved even closer to the edge, causing chunks of snow to fall in her direction. “Rogue, listen to me. Don’t do this. You don’t need to end your life because of me.” Even as those words tumbled out of her mouth, Tempest knew the poor beast had no life worth living on the miserable mountain. They were both misfits not suitable to live with the regular folk on Levare. And there was no way to escape this miserable rock covered with ice and snow. Tempest closed her eyes, wishing she had the power or ability to remove them from this horrid situation. It was impossible, of course, because she had no gifts—only misfortune. Poor Rogue also shared in the bad luck. He was a Gargdog, half gargoyle and half dog. His problem was his wings. A spell gone wrong, they were barely large enough for a pixie to fly with—useless wings on a grand creature. That’s what misfits were—rejects from Levare, banished from the world as though they never existed. Her body trembled with the last bit of strength oozing from her limbs. “Rogue goes with Tempest! I will not stay here without you,” the Gargdog growled in the form of words. She smiled up at him, proud of his speech. “I see you’ve been practicing since they separated us.” It was her attempt to lighten the mood. “I’m sorry, Rogue,” Tempest squeaked as she slipped another half-finger length. “Rogue loves Tempest. Not want Tempest to die without him.” Rogue hung his head. She felt his sadness. “Rogue, I don’t have much strength left,” Tempest said weakly. “I’m not afraid of death. You know I could never be Fedor’s bride. His touch would kill me, anyway. This way is better. I won’t feel a thing,” she lied, trying to sound brave. “We will go together. Neither will I live under his control any longer.” Her arms now shook uncontrollably. Her hands had no feeling, but her brain forced the signal to her fingers to grasp as tightly as she could. She closed her eyes and said a quick, silent prayer for all the other misfits who suffered like her and Rogue. We’ve endured so much pain in our lives. Please, Creators, let us have a painless death. With her silent prayers complete, Tempest opened her eyes, looked up, and whispered, “I love you, Rogue,” and let go. ![]()
Join us for this tour from June 22 to July 10, 2020!
Series Details: Book Title: The Annie Oakley Mystery Series by Kari Bovee Category: Adult Fiction (18+), 83 to 332 pages Genre: Historical Mystery Publisher: Bosque Publishing Release dates: Shoot Like a Girl (2019); Girl With a Gun (April, 2020); Peccadillo at the Palace (April 2020); Folly at the Fair (June, 2020) Tour dates: June 22 to July 10, 2020 Content Rating: R for some swearing, violence, and mature themes. Book Title: Shoot Like a Girl (A Pre-quel Novella to Girl With A Gun) by Kari Bovee Category: Adult Fiction (18 + yrs), 84 pages Genre: Historical Fiction Publisher: Bosque Publishing Release date: November 2019 Tour dates: June 22 to July 10, 2020 Content Rating: R for Mature themes and some violence. No bad language. Book Description: Shoot like a Girl depicts the historically fictive tale of a young Annie Oakley's struggles before she becomes the most famous sharpshooting woman of all time. After the death of her father, Annie is sent to the Drake County poorhouse where she learns to cook, sew, and keep house for other families to help her mother make ends meet. Annie ends up at the McCrimmons, a couple whom she comes to refer to as "the wolves." Cruel and neglectful, the McCrimmons push Annie to the brink of despair. The only bright spot in her dreary existence is Buck, a beautiful buckskinned horse, and the two form a bond. Despite her resolve to help her family, Annie loses hope of ever seeing them again, as life at the McCrimmons' becomes more oppressive, and she is cut off from all outside communication. Physically and emotionally weak from illness, hunger, and abuse, Annie resigns herself to a life of servitude to the abusive couple. But, when Mr. McCrimmon's continued cruelty to Buck finally threatens the horse's life, Annie takes matters into her own hands and formulates a plan for escape.
Book Details:
Book Title: Girl with a Gun (An Annie Oakley Mystery) by Kari Bovee Category: Adult Fiction (18 + yrs), 316 pages Genre: Historical Mystery Publisher: Bosque Publishing Release date: April 2020 Tour dates: June 22 to July 10, 2020 Content Rating: R for one explicit sex scene. There is some swearing, violence, mature themes. Book Description: In an exciting new historical mystery series, award-winning author Kari Bovee brings the beloved American icon, Annie Oakley, into the world of mystery and crime as a plucky, amateur sleuth. Fifteen-year-old Annie Oakley is the sole supporter of her widowed mother and two younger siblings. An expert markswoman and independent spirit, she hunts game to sell to the local mercantile to make ends meet instead of accepting a marriage proposal that could solve all her problems, including the impending foreclosure of her family's farm. After a stunning performance in a shooting contest against famous sharpshooter Frank Butler, Annie is offered a position in the renowned Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Finally, she has a chance to save her family's farm--and make her dreams come true. But after her catapult to fame, a series of crimes takes place in the Wild West Show, including the death of Annie's Indian Assistant. The coroner claims the death was due to natural causes, but Annie is unconvinced. Then her prized horse, Buck--a major part of her act--is stolen, and she realizes that someone is out to get her. With the help of a sassy, blue-blooded reporter, Annie sets out to find her horse, solve the crimes, and clear her good name--before everything she's worked for is destroyed.
Book Details:
Book Title: Peccadillo at the Palace (An Annie Oakley Mystery) by Kari Bovee Category: Adult Fiction (18 + yrs), 332 pages Genre: Historical Mystery Publisher: Bosque Publishing Release date: April 2020 Tour dates: June 22 to July 10, 2020 Content Rating: R for some swearing, violence, and mature themes. Book Description: In this second book in the Annie Oakley historical mystery series, award-winning author Kari Bovee brings back the lovable character, Annie Oakley, as an amateur sleuth. It's 1887, and Annie and Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show are invited to Queen Victoria's Jubilee celebration in London, England. But their long journey across the Atlantic takes a turn for the worst when the queen's royal servant ends up dead and Annie's husband, Frank Butler, falls suspiciously ill. Annie soon discovers that the two events are connected--and may be precursors to an assassination attempt on the queen. In London, it becomes clear that there is rampant unrest in the queen's kingdom--the Irish Fenian Brotherhood, as well as embittered English subjects, are teeming in the streets. But amid the chaos, even while she prepares for the show, Annie is determined to find the truth. With the help of a friend and reporter, Emma Wilson, the renowned poet Oscar Wilde, and the famous socialite Lily Langtry, Annie sets out to hunt down the queen's enemies--and find out why they want to kill England's most beloved monarch.
Book Details:
Book Title: Folly at the Fair (An Annie Oakley Mystery) by Kari Bovee Category: Adult Fiction (18 + yrs), 322 pages Genre: Historical Mystery Publisher: Bosque Publishing Release date: June 2020 Tour dates: June 22 to July 10, 2020 Content Rating: R for some swearing, violence, and mature themes. Book Description: She never misses a target. But unless she can solve this murder, she’ll become one… Chicago World’s Fair, 1893. “Little Sure Shot” Annie Oakley is exhausted from her work with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. But when a fellow performer scuffles with a man who threatens her harm, she has to keep her eyes peeled. And when the heckler is found dead under the Ferris Wheel, Annie won’t rest until she proves her defender is innocent. Before she can rustle up any clues, an old friend asks Annie to protect her young daughter. And as more bodies turn up around the grounds, she’s going to need all her sharpshooting skills just to stay alive. Can Annie live up to her reputation and put a bullseye on the killer? Folly at the Fair is the third book in the Annie Oakley Mystery historical fiction series. If you like strong heroines, Wild West adventures, and suspenseful twists and turns, then you’ll love Kari Bovee’s fast-paced whodunit.
Meet the Author:
When she’s not on a horse, or walking along the beautiful cottonwood-laden acequias of Corrales, New Mexico; or basking on white sand beaches under the Big Island Hawaiian sun, Kari Bovee is escaping into the past—scheming murder and mayhem for her characters both real and imagined, and helping them to find order in the chaos of her action-packed novels. Empowered women in history, horses, unconventional characters, and real-life historical events fill the pages of Kari Bovée’s articles and historical mystery musings and manuscripts. An award-winning author, Bovée was honored with the 2019 NM/AZ Book Awards Hillerman Award for Southwestern Fiction for her novel Girl with a Gun. The novel also received First Place in the 2019 NM/AZ Book Awards in the Mystery/Crime category, and is a Finalist in the 2019 International Chanticleer Murder & Mayhem Awards and the International Chanticleer Goethe Awards, as well as the Next Generation Indie Awards. Her novel Grace in the Wings is a Finalist for the 2019 International Chanticleer Chatelaine Awards and the International Chanticleer Goethe Awards. Her novel Peccadillo at the Palace is a Finalist in the 2019 International Chanticleer Murder & Mayhem Awards and the 2019 International Goethe Awards, as well as a Finalist in the 2019 Best Book Awards Historical Fiction category. Bovée has worked as a technical writer for a Fortune 500 Company, has written non-fiction for magazines and newsletters, and has worked in the education field as a teacher and educational consultant. She and her husband, Kevin, spend their time between their horse property in the beautiful Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, and their condo on the sunny shores of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Connect with the author: Website ~ Goodreads ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram
Tour Schedule:
June 22 – Working Mommy Journal – series spotlight / giveaway Enter the Giveaway:June 23 – History from a Woman’s Perspective – series spotlight / giveaway June 23 - Two Gals and a Book – series spotlight / giveaway June 24 – The Irresponsible Reader – series spotlight / giveaway June 25 – Pen Possessed – series spotlight / giveaway June 26 – T's Stuff – series spotlight / giveaway June 29 – Celticlady's Reviews – series spotlight / giveaway June 29 - A Mama's Corner of the World - series spotlight / giveaway June 30 – Jazzy Book Reviews – series spotlight / giveaway July 1 – Pick a good book – series spotlight / giveaway July 2 – Locks, Hooks and Books – series spotlight / giveaway July 4 - fundinmental - series spotlight / giveaway July 6 – She Just Loves Books – series spotlight / giveaway July 6 - Splashes of Joy - series spotlight / giveaway July 7 – Lizofwords – series spotlight / giveaway July 8 – Library of Clean Reads – series spotlight / giveaway July 9 – Laura's Interests – series spotlight / giveaway July 10 - 100 Pages A Day – series spotlight / giveaway
Date Published: 7/1/2020
Publisher: Épouvantail Books, LLC
Murder and Madness in the High Sierras
The tragic and gruesome story of the Donner Party is being made into a movie, a tale of cannibalism and treachery high in the snowbound mountains. The cast is made up entirely of children. One by one, they are dying. The series of deaths are haunting the production, each one of the “accidents” at the hands of Florentino Urbino. Driven by greed and jealousy, he is killing off the film’s stars to line his pockets by selling off the gruesome footage of the accidents.
Six-year-old actress SeaBee Danser in her black veil is his next target. She is the only one who can see through the black curtain that Florentino Urbino drapes over his deranged and murderous heart.
Can she survive?
Can he be stopped?
Will any of the children be left standing?
About the Author
Greg Jolley earned a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of San Francisco and lives in the very small town of Ormond Beach, Florida. When not writing, he researches historical crime, primarily those of the 1800s. Or goes surfing.
Contact Links
Twitter: @gfjolle
email: [email protected]
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iBooks: Black Veil is available via search
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Magical Misfits Mystery, Book 1
(Cozy) Mystery
Date Published: 1 July 2020
Publisher: Literary Wanderlust, Denver, Colorado
Myrtle’s aunt is dead—murdered—and she has inherited the Witch’s Retreat, a Bed and Breakfast in the idyllic village of Avebury. Filled with outrageous characters, the old house hides a mystery under its eaves. Everybody is a suspect: Alan, the blue-eyed police constable; Chris, the proverbial dark and handsome stranger; Myrtle’s curvy cousin Daisy; and even Tiddles, the flatulent cat. As Myrtle takes on the mantle of amateur sleuth, she bumbles along in search of answers, digging deeper and deeper among the tangled roots of her family’s history. The secrets she uncovers are more shocking than death: a hidden magical relic, a coven of amateur witches eager to gather her into the fold, and modern witch hunters on the prowl.
About the Author
LINA HANSEN has been a freelance travel journalist, teacher, bellydancer, postal clerk and science communication specialist stranded in the space sector. Numbed by factoid technical texts, she set out to write the stories she loves to read— cozy and romantic mysteries with a dollop of humour and a magical twist. After living and working in the UK, Lina, her husband, and their feline companion now share a home in the foothills of Castle Frankenstein. Lina is a double Watty Award Winner, Featured Author, and a Wattpad Star.
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![]() A Spectacle of Souls
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo ![]()
GIVEAWAY! Post Apocalyptic Date Published: April 30th 2020
In a freshly lawless New England in the dead of winter A bloodied and barefoot 17-year-old, grieving the loss of her father, trudges around a smoldering pileup on the road out of town. She’s endeavoring the 120 mile trek to her only living family member through blizzard conditions… A once kind-hearted lumberjack splits a teenager’s nose in half with the rim of a metal gas can. Since the day his family was slaughtered before his eyes, he’s been consumed with an undying fury that can only be quelled through acts of violence… A two-time college-dropout, trying to do good, howls in agony as her face is slashed with a razor-blade. The crackhead who did the deed is taking back her five-year-old child who the drop-out was trying to protect after finding him abandoned in a dumpster… Anyone wishing to live must harden and adapt to the new rules of a world post-fall of polite. This dangerous new world will make you into a survivor… or a corpse.
About the Author Sam Kench is a 23-year-old writer and independent filmmaker. His screenplays and short films have been awarded by festivals and competitions around the world. In 2014 he was named one of the top defenders of free speech by the National Coalition Against Censorship. He grew up in New England and spent years exploring many of the locations that found their way into the novel. He now resides in Los Angeles. ‘The Fall of Polite’ is his debut novel.
Contact Links Twitter: @BrickwallFilms Instagram: @brickwall_pictures
Purchase Link Read FREE With Kindle Unlimited Post Apocalyptic Date Published: April 30th 2020
In a freshly lawless New England in the dead of winter A bloodied and barefoot 17-year-old, grieving the loss of her father, trudges around a smoldering pileup on the road out of town. She’s endeavoring the 120 mile trek to her only living family member through blizzard conditions… A once kind-hearted lumberjack splits a teenager’s nose in half with the rim of a metal gas can. Since the day his family was slaughtered before his eyes, he’s been consumed with an undying fury that can only be quelled through acts of violence… A two-time college-dropout, trying to do good, howls in agony as her face is slashed with a razor-blade. The crackhead who did the deed is taking back her five-year-old child who the drop-out was trying to protect after finding him abandoned in a dumpster… Anyone wishing to live must harden and adapt to the new rules of a world post-fall of polite. This dangerous new world will make you into a survivor… or a corpse.
About the Author Sam Kench is a 23-year-old writer and independent filmmaker. His screenplays and short films have been awarded by festivals and competitions around the world. In 2014 he was named one of the top defenders of free speech by the National Coalition Against Censorship. He grew up in New England and spent years exploring many of the locations that found their way into the novel. He now resides in Los Angeles. ‘The Fall of Polite’ is his debut novel.
Contact Links Twitter: @BrickwallFilms Instagram: @brickwall_pictures
Purchase Link Read FREE With Kindle Unlimited |
February 2023