Date Published: 2/20/20
Publisher: Golden Acorn Press
A former MP, Will Stattin, is called to Europe to investigate the theft of several paintings. He learns that the paintings are part of a series of nine pieces of art, all with a clue that ultimately leads to a train that disappeared from Konigsberg, Germany in late 1944 full of gold, art, and priceless artifacts. He quickly learns that he is not the only one after the paintings. Now it is a race across Europe to find the paintings and the lost train with the help of the beautiful and savvy museum agent, Giovanna Rossi, before the hunt turns even more deadly than it already has.
About the Author
Seth Crossman is a minister, speaker, and writer who lives in Upstate New York. His own adventures have taken him across the globe and stirred his desire to write fast-paced, provocative thrillers that keep readers turning the page. He has three boys that he wants to inspire with a sense of adventure and courage to overcome whatever obstacles get in their way.
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Children’s, Christian, Fiction
Date Published: December 2, 2019
Publisher: Clay Bridges Press
Welcome to the first book in the "Pillow Stories from Heaven" series! "A Call from Above" is an imaginary story, a Jesus-style parable, about the life of Sonny, a baby eagle who grows up in a chicken coop. A lot has been cast in Sonny’s life, and now he has to figure out who he really is. Does God have a special purpose and plan for Sonny?
This story will entertain and teach parents and children as it draws them to reflect on the true meaning of life, our place in the world, and our destiny and calling.
About the Author
Tom Aish grew up behind the Iron Curtain where he studied studio art (MFA) and first met the risen Messiah. His interests include cultural and film studies (MAICS). He lived and studied in Sweden and Israel, and most recently settled in Colorado Springs, where he lives with his wife, Aly. Tom’s many hobbies include learning, photography, film, and travel. He writes blog articles and children stories; in his free time, Tom enjoys nature—especially the mountains.
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Date Published: January 3, 2020
Do you funnel time, resources, and a significant portion of your budget into every marketing platform you can think of, only to see few results? If so, you’re not alone. This common problem is not only frustrating but the complete opposite of business growth. Marketing that doesn’t convert eats away at revenue, leaving your business stagnant. Let it go on for too long, and you’ll quickly find that marketing has killed your business.
Fortunately, there is a way to turn this problem around and get production back on a growth track. Customers who want what your business offers are out there. To find them, you need the right tools and an understanding of how to leverage them. In Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business and What to Do About It, expert marketing strategist Minal Sampat shares exactly that, illustrating with real-life examples from over ten years of experience working with businesses in multiple industries.
In this easy-to-read, conversational guide, Minal untangles some of the mysteries of the market, including social media platforms, and shares how a few of her clients have achieved real results such as:
Your business is more than just your livelihood: it is your passion, your inspiration, and your contribution to the community around you. Your customers recognize this, but only if you are visible and authentic. If you’re ready to start connecting with your ideal customers to launch your business growth pattern, Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business and What to Do About It has everything you need to begin the journey.
About the Author
Minal Sampat is a speaker, marketing strategist, and health care professional who launched her first marketing company by breaking a Guinness World Record. She has over a decade of experience helping business owners find success through connection and engagement strategies. A proud member of the National Speaker Association and a world traveler, she lives in Washington State with her husband and an extensive shoe collection. Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business is her first book. To learn more or get in touch, visit
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![]() Reckless Times
-- EXCERPT: The crowd is clamoring, calling my name. I can feel the vibration of their loud voices and violent energy from the locker room. I’m alone here. After so many victories in the pit, I’ve earned the right to privacy. Little butterflies flutter savagely in my belly. I’m not nervous; these are just the jitters before a performance. I curl my hands into fists, letting the power of my invisible chains run freely through my veins like a surge of electricity. For a fleeting moment, I wonder what my parents would do if they found out their precious disabled daughter is fighting against the meanest and strongest Idols in the biggest underground tournament in Hawk City. They’d probably have a heart attack. For starters, my family is one of the most prominent and wealthiest in the country. We don’t mingle with the lower classes. I snort. Yes, they’d be appalled, but mostly they’d be worried sick. Despite me being a high-level Idol, they think I’m defenseless thanks to my blindness. They know nothing about me, but they never made the effort either. I push thoughts of my parents to the side and focus on the here and now. I’m the current champion in the pit, and as such, I’ll only step foot in the small arena when all fights are done. This is something new that management implemented. I’m facing whoever wins the rounds. A smile blossoms on my lips as I remember my first time here. They thought I was an easy target. My disability was all they could see, never mind that I didn’t try to conceal my powers then. Strategy was not in my mind that first night. It didn’t matter. The fight was over before I could break a sweat. Heavy steps approach from outside my locker room. It’s Dick Santos, the arena’s manager. He knocks once before he opens the door. “It’s time.” I jump to my feet, shaking my arms to loosen up. “Who am I fighting tonight?” “The Boulder. Mean fella. Level fourteen. He can con—” “Let me guess. Rocks?” I raise an eyebrow. “Yeah, and he’s faster than most despite his size.” “What are the odds?” I stretch my arms. “Six to one.” “Six to one? That’s it?” “In his favor,” Dick continues. My jaw drops, and it’s not an act. I’m genuinely offended. “You’re kidding, right?” “Nope. Our little performance last night worked. You’re the underdog again. But don’t worry, kid. He’s got nothing on you.” Dick puts his hand on my shoulder, which I promptly push off. “I’m not worried. I’m pissed.” He laughs from deep in his belly, grating on my nerves. “I’m not. Tonight, I’m making bank.” Yeah, you and the guys. I stride out of the room, focusing on the fire burning in the pit of my stomach. What did The Boulder do to make people think he can beat me? I only received a couple of hits yesterday from Stone Man, and that was because Dick told me to. It doesn’t matter. I’ll show them. The two security guys at the end of the corridor tense when they see me approach. It’s funny how I can pick up subtle changes in people more easily than those who aren’t visually impaired. Without missing a beat, they open the double doors for me. I usually take a deep breath to get rid of the jitters. Not tonight though. I’m more than ready to do some damage. When I step out, the crowd roars, “Blind Fury! Blind Fury!” I don’t bask in the glory. Only one out of six think I have a chance to win. I’m surrounded by traitors everywhere. There’s only one person I can trust. Me. Dick announces my name as the defending champion, and once again, people go wild. But when he mentions the name of my opponent, the cheers are louder. I search for Leroy and Ezekiel in the crowd, my fan club. It’s easy to locate them as I’m already familiar with their auras. At least they aren’t rooting for the other guy. I let my chains loose so I can get a sense of The Boulder but keep them invisible for now. That’s how I see the world, through my chains. They pick up on the vibrations of everything around me: people, objects, obstacles. It’s not a perfect view, but it’s better than being completely in the dark. Quickly, I understand why the majority of those present think I’m going to lose. My opponent is massive, almost seven feet tall, and packing muscles. Now I know where his stage name comes from. “This is the famous Blind Fury?” He laughs. “I don’t know how I feel about fighting a helple—” I shoot my right chain out, wrapping it around his throat and cutting his tirade off. He chokes, clutching at the links in a vain attempt to break free. “You were saying?” I yank the chain hard, bringing the cocky idiot to his knees. Dick remains outside the ring. The first thing he told me when I stepped into the pit for the first time was that there were no rules. Losers can either forfeit, pass out, or die, and the choice always relies on the victor. The Boulder’s grunts tell me he must be getting purple by now. I could easily kill him, and no one would think less of me. On the contrary, the crowd would love me more. I’m tempted, and my chains are as bloodthirsty as I am. This is not who you are, Andy. At the last moment, I retract them. There’s a collective gasp of disappointment. The Boulder is still coughing as he staggers back to his feet. But instead of leaving the pit, he pulls all his energy to his core. He’s going to attack again, even though the fight’s pretty much over. Son of a bitch. Some people just don’t know when to give up. Strong vibrations concentrate around the man just before the floor cracks right under my feet. A huge mass forms in front of him. The fucker created a rock, which he launches in my direction. I have ample time to move out of the way, but I hold my ground. My chains form a protective circle around me, and in the next second comes the sound of rock shattering. “What the fuck is that?” he asks, shocked. I can’t tell exactly what he’s seeing, but when my chains are in full display, awe is the most common reaction I get. They must look badass. He doesn’t get another chance to attack before I send both chains in his direction. One pierces his right thigh, and the other wraps around his body, squeezing him in a bone-crushing hold. “Aargh! My leg. What did you do to me, bitch?” Slowly, I walk in his direction, stopping when I’m in front of his collapsed form. “You should have forfeited when you had the chance.” “Never. I’d rather die.” It’s the first time I’ve faced someone with a death wish. I’d never truly considered killing anyone for sport, but today, the temptation is huge. “Careful, buddy. I’m feeling quite murderous tonight.” My chains squeeze him until the first crack of bone breaking echoes in the pit. The Boulder screams and curses, but he won’t relent. I won’t have a choice. If I don’t kill him, I’ll never be allowed back. The crowd will boo me out of the pit, if they don’t do something worse like ask for my head. Suddenly, there’s no more resistance coming from him. Ah fuck. Did I kill him? I listen closely, something hard to do when everyone around is talking and cheering. Then I hear it, the faint sound of his breathing. He’s not dead, simply passed out. Relief washes over me, but I can’t let anyone see. Maintaining the cold mask, I pull away and walk over to my side of the pit. Dick tsks as he joins me in the ring. When his attention diverts to me, I sense the difference in his demeanor. He’s beaming, probably counting his profits already. “What an evening, am I right, folks?” he addresses the crowd. They respond with cheers and hollers. “How about we make it even more exciting?” The yelling goes up a notch, making me wince. Sometimes having enhanced hearing is a curse. “Blind Fury has remained undefeated for five weeks straight. I’m doubling tonight’s grand prize. If there’s anyone here brave enough to challenge her, come forward now.” Immediately, the noise lowers until only murmurs can be heard. I frown, glowering in Dick’s general direction. I didn’t agree to a final challenge. It’s not that I can’t do it. It’s the fucking principle. I’m not his bitch to do as he pleases. I’d storm out of the pit if that wouldn’t brand me a coward. Minutes go by without anyone stepping forward. Dick keeps egging on the crowd. I don’t know why he wants another fight so badly, but my patience is wearing thin. I stretch my arms and fake a yawn, ready to get the fuck out of here, when I sense a familiar presence nearby. My blood runs cold. I came here to forget he exists, to unleash my wrath on strangers, wishing it was him. “I’ll do it. I challenge Blind Fury,” Stephan declares. A myriad of emotions washes over me. Rage, longing, shame. Damn everything to hell. What is he doing here? ![]()
Join Us for this Tour from February 10 - February 28!
BOOK DETAILS: Book Title: All's Well in Jingle Valley (A Happily Ever After Series Book 3) by Martha Reynolds Category: Adult Fiction (18+) Genre: Women's Fiction, Romance Publisher: Martha Reynolds Release date: October 2019 Tour dates: February 10 to February 28, 2020 Content Rating: PG + M: I use this rating because there may be a little profanity (although I tend not to be explicit - there might be a 'shit' in there somewhere). Adults being adults, a hint at adultery, but nothing explicit in language or with sexual content. BOOK DESCRIPTION: It's been three years since Julie Tate and her business partner Freddy saved the farm at Jingle Valley and set up their boutique wedding business. After much hard work, and some challenging clients, it finally looks like they're well on their way to success. Newly single, Julie's trying not to envy the happiness enjoyed by her wedding clients. But it's difficult to keep her mind on the job when her days are filled with other people's romances. And when a door she thought was closed appears to open again, her confusion deepens. Second-chance couple April and Bill clearly adore each other, and they love the idea of getting married at Jingle Valley. But with each bringing complicated histories to their relationship, will their pasts interfere with them tying the knot? As autumn softens into winter at the beautiful Massachusetts farm, Julie resolves to do everything she can to ensure a happy ending for her clients. But despite her best efforts, will there be fewer weddings than planned at Jingle Valley this year? Or could there be more?
Martha Reynolds was raised in Rhode Island, spent a year of college in Switzerland, and is always planning a return visit. She completed an accomplished career as a fraud investigator and decided it was time to do something she really liked. She now writes full-time and has set a personal goal of releasing a book a year until she dies. Her writing has appeared in Magnificat magazine and her very short poem was read by journalist Connie Schultz during NPR's Tell Me More poetry challenge. Her novel VILLA DEL SOL won the 2018 Book Award in Literary Fiction by the Independent Publishers of New England. Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram
Feb 10 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 10 - Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 10 - Books,Dreams,Life – book spotlight Feb 11 – The Avid Reader – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 12 – My Devotional Thoughts – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 13 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 14 – 100 Pages A Day – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 17 – Bookmark and fork – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 18 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 18 - b for bookreview – book spotlight Feb 19 – Corinne Rodrigues | Booksnista – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 20 – StoreyBook Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 21 – Laura`s Interests – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 24 – Read and Review – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 25 – My Reading Journeys – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 26 – eBook addicts – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 27 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 28 - Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway ENTER THE GIVEAWAY: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Join Us for this Tour from January 27-February 14! BOOK DETAILS: Book Title: A Jingle Valley Wedding (A Happily Ever After Series Book 1) by Martha Reynolds Category: Adult Fiction (18+) Genre: Women's Fiction Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing Release date: November 2015 Tour dates: January 27 to February 14, 2020 Content Rating: PG + M: No profanity, but it's geared more for adults (there's a one-night stand). No explicit sex at all. BOOK DESCRIPTION: New York executive Julie Tate knows what it takes to win in the financial world, but her big-city success could never prepare her for her latest career move. When her brother abandons the failing family farm, Julie hopes its salvation lies in transforming it into western Massachusetts's newest premier wedding venue. With her social-savvy friend Freddy in her corner, Julie feels infallible. But as their bank account dwindles and one obstacle after another crops up, the business partners wonder if their venture is doomed for failure before the first bride walks down the aisle. Maybe the best way to succeed in a business based on romance is to find one.
Martha Reynolds was raised in Rhode Island, spent a year of college in Switzerland, and is always planning a return visit. She completed an accomplished career as a fraud investigator and decided it was time to do something she really liked. She now writes full-time and has set a personal goal of releasing a book a year until she dies. Her writing has appeared in Magnificat magazine and her very short poem was read by journalist Connie Schultz during NPR's Tell Me More poetry challenge. Her novel VILLA DEL SOL won the 2018 Book Award in Literary Fiction by the Independent Publishers of New England. Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram
TOUR SCHEDULE: ENTER THE GIVEAWAY:Jan 27 – Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 27 - My Devotional Thoughts – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 27 - Books,Dreams,Life – book spotlight Jan 28 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 28 – Ms. Cat's Honest World – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 28 - I'm Into Books – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 29 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 29 - Chick Lit Goddess – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 30 – Over Coffee Conversations – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 30 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 31 – Celticlady's Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 3 – b for bookreview – book spotlight Feb 4 – The Avid Reader – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 5 – Corinne Rodrigues | Booksnista – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 6 – eBook addicts – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 7 – Bookmark and fork – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 10 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 11 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 12 – Laura`s Interests – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 12 - 100 Pages A Day – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 13 – Viviana MacKade – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 14 - Read and Review – book spotlight / giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway ![]() Married to the Earl
-- EXCERPT: “It is hard to see how this will become a hospital,” she murmured. “I should imagine you would rather see it as a grand house once more, ready for a ball.” She glared at him. “Considering we hardly know one another, Lord Newhaven, it is a wonder you can imagine anything that I might think.” He shrugged. “It is not hard to take a guess.” “If we wish to take guesses, I would rather expect you would prefer this house to be used for raucous house parties.” His lips quirked. “I suppose we should cease guessing then.” “That would be preferable, yes.” “Let us continue our tour.” He opened another door, leading through into a drawing room. No furnishings existed and a thick layer of dust coated the grand stone mantlepiece. Beneath her feet, the rugs were worn and frayed. “This is going to take a lot of funds.” “My understanding is we have enough to ensure the house can be converted into a hospital, but our current pledges will not cover the ongoing running of it.” So, he knew something about his charity. That was interesting. She could not be certain why the earl had decided to take a closer look at how things were run but he was not entirely ignorant. However, if he was to be interfering with her work, she would have to speak up. They had far too much toil ahead of them for him to be causing any chaos. She paused by the fireplace and turned to face him as he wrenched open the shutters on one window. Blinking in the sudden influx of light, she tilted her head. “Why exactly have you decided to assist the charity? Mr. Bartlett told me you are only a figurehead.” She lifted a brow. “Does it surprise you that I might wish to actually have a hand in the running of the charity?” “Frankly, yes.” A smile curved his lips. “Well, I do enjoy a frank woman.” He strode over to join her by the fireplace. “And why have you taken up the mantle as the charity’s latest philanthropist?” She could come up with some pithy remark perhaps. Some flippant reply that would have him eyeing her with amusement once more, but she could not help feel they had reached some odd moment of honesty. She blew out a breath. “I should like to find something useful with which to occupy myself. Being a widow is a tiresome occupation.” “For someone like you, I imagine it is.” “Someone like me?” She stiffened her shoulders. “Someone as vivacious and as intelligent as you.” The air flew from her lungs. She let her shoulders drop. “Oh.” for some reason, the flattery made her cheeks warm. Preposterous. ![]()
Published Date: January 24, 2020
Publisher: INtense Publications LLC
Evil spirits have begun arriving in Sean's small suburban hometown. The ghost of his Grandmother tells him it is up to him to stop them. To help him in this struggle she gives him a Celtic Cross necklace handed down through the generations that open hidden doors, and a pet rattlesnake. Also, his middle-school classmates - Aaron, Tammy, Maeve, and the twins Sam and the Sham - rally around him. But as more and more evil spirits gather Sean will need much more help than this to stop the destruction of not only his family but also his school and all of Shadytown. His Grandmother says help is coming But she is only a ghost stuck in a bog. Sean feels completely overwhelmed. And that's before he even confronts the demonic tree in the field behind his house.
About the Author
Mike Sherer lives in the Greater Cincinnati area of southwest Ohio. His screenplay 'Hamal 18' was produced in Los Angeles and released directly to DVD. His paranormal suspense novel 'A Cold Dish' was published by James Ward Kirk Fiction. He has also published 4 novellas and 18 short stories. Links to all these are posted on his website: Also on the site is his ongoing travel blog 'American Locations', and information about his MG novel 'Shadytown', which is to be published January 2020 by INtense Publications.
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Date Published: January 15, 2020
Publisher: CS Publishing Ltd.
For 40-plus years the author battled with attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that are commonly labeled as symptoms of three psychological disorders: muscle dysmorphia, orthorexia, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). The consequences were grave. This book explains Stuart’s struggles and self-inquiry, and then describes the five elements of his psychological healing. Each element helped him, but their synergism profoundly improved his mental health, his relationships, his physical health, and his overall life.
This book isn't targeted only at male bodybuilders and other exercise enthusiasts. The great difficulties Stuart dealt with are experienced by millions of men and women who struggle with their body-image and/or eating, and/or who are tormented by perfectionism or workaholism. His success story may inspire any of those people to start their own self-inquiries that lead to their own success stories.
About the Author
Stuart has had around 1,000 articles published in print magazines. He wrote a monthly column for the UK’s leading bodybuilding magazine for 22 consecutive years. He also authored several acclaimed books including BEYOND BRAWN and BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT, and published his own magazine for 15 years. But his success as a writer was born out of his efforts to survive the profound struggles he had because of his psychological challenges, which resulted in suffocating distress.
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![]() Haskell Himself
-- EXCERPT: Bonanza That evening, Mom brought in meatballs, calzones, and a Caesar salad from Lombardi’s. I waited until we had devoured all the food before I reminded Mom of Hope’s ill-temper and childish behaviors. “What bothers me is that Aunt Sheila hardly ever corrects her. Not even a slap on the wrist or a ‘Go to your room.’” “Aunt Sheila does what she has to do.” “No,” I said, shaking my head. “If Al Capone had been Sheila’s child, she would have sent him to bed early without his hot cocoa and biscotti and have come up with some lame excuse for his murder spree.” “Oh, Haskell, parents may treat their children a little differently in California, and she’s not six any more. Hope is nearly nine years old. Wait and see. You’ve never had a sibling. It will be a healthy change.” My anxiety worsened. What did I know about living with a nine-year-old? I hadn’t been with a nine-year-old since I was nine. And what would it be like living with an aunt and an uncle? I’d never lived with a “father” figure before. My dad called me periodically, like once a year, but I rarely ever saw him. Frankly, I wasn’t sure I’d get along with Uncle Ted, since all he ever talked about was baseball. What would we have in common? I felt a headache coming on. And then Mom did what she often did in her real estate negotiations: she sweetened the deal. “So, you were saying that you just did an exercise where you played a villainous cowboy? Is that right?” “Yes, and it went well.” “I think I found you a screen test in Hollywood for a part in a TV Western.” “Really?” “You’d be playing a pioneer kid in the Old West who has been living alone most of his life. The Cartwrights find him wandering in the fields, and they invite him in.” “Are we talking Bonanza?” I was excited. This was TV’s number-one show. “Could this lead to a regular part?” I asked eagerly. “No, I don’t think so. Turns out the kid’s a bit twisted. Gets in fights all the time, and he ends up drowning at the end of the episode. Still, what a great way to start your adventures in Los Angeles!” My father, Tony Pawlikowski, whom I had met a half a dozen times, had connections with the company that produced Bonanza. It was a Western about a three-time widower and his three adult sons living on a big ranch called The Ponderosa, and every week they’d face numerous challenges. Sometimes they were silly stories, such as the time when one of the sons, Hoss Cartwright, fights a tribe of leprechauns. Most often, though, the episodes were more serious. In this one, I’d be playing a maniacal orphan who apparently can’t swim. My initial instincts? After six months in Miss Hogan’s class, I could tackle this role. The only problem was the kid was supposed to be short and rather tough and extremely handsome. I was none of those things. I was tall, weighing less than 150 pounds. A real beanpole. I wasn’t exactly tough either, and with my big ears, I was certainly not handsome. “Mom, I don’t think this will work out. My physical appearance is all wrong.” I pored over a description listed in the classified section of Variety. “He twirls a gun in the air?” “We’ll get you a gun tutor.” “There’s no such thing. Come on!” “They have gun tutors all over Los Angeles. We’ll look them up in the Yellow Pages. An actor can transform himself into any role,” my mom said, her face gleaming, mimicking my acting coach. “If they like you, they’ll make adjustments.” “No one is going to take me seriously as a handsome, rugged boy in town. I’m too scrawny.” “Perfect! Your mom’s dead, remember? So, she’s not been around to feed you.” Maybe she’s not dead. Maybe she just went to Antwerp, I thought. “And I’d probably need to ride a horse, right? It even says here. ‘Horse riding experience necessary.’ You have to read the fine print, Mom. I’ve never ridden a horse. I’ve never even ridden a bike! I don’t even roller skate!” “They’d probably bring in a stunt double for those scenes,” she said, dismissing my concern with a wave of her hand. “Well, if you don’t want to try out for that part, that’s fine. I have another great idea for you.” “What’s that?” “Sheila is good friends with the mother of a boy about your age who is also into acting. He attends the same high school you’ll be attending, so he’s someone you can hang around with when you arrive in Encino. He’s quite the talent, apparently.” “What’s his name?” “Her last name is Stoneman.” She grabbed a piece of paper from her purse. “And his name is Henry.” “I never heard of him.” Yes, I lied to my own mother. I had, in fact, seen his name mentioned in Variety. He had won a small part recently in a Disney film. “We’ll arrange for you boys to meet, and you can take it from there. You two have so much in common. It will be wonderful.” That night, I dug through my latest copies of Screen Magazine and spotted a photograph of Henry Stoneman. Quite handsome, wearing black jeans and black shirt with rhinestone buttons and a cowboy hat. He was in John Wayne’s last movie, so he could probably ride a horse, use a gun, and speak fluent Apache. He had eighteen film and TV credits. Eighteen! I fell into a deep, angry, solid funk, desperately hoping my mom might change her mind and this California nightmare would dissipate into dust. ![]()
February 2023