Non Fiction / Business
Date Published: June 22, 2015
The Modern Mughal Mentality transforms hardships and difficulties into success stories by introducing the Jugaad Management Principle Business Model, which can be applied to any business, anywhere.
For the purpose of this book, the term Jugaad will be defined as “obtaining your objectives by maximizing resources through thinking out of the box.”
Following this new business model will inspire all types of companies around the world, no matter how big or small, to create innovative mentalities, products, and strategies. The Modern Mughal Mentality reveals ways in which companies everywhere can benefit from this new business model.
It also reveals ways in which western companies can learn to be successful in India. Executives of multi-national corporations, government officials, and even American and global small business owners who have no plans to do business in India will benefit from the innovative and revolutionary approach to maximizing resources that The Modern Mughal Mentality delivers.
Multi-sector success stories illustrate the various components of the Jugaad Management Principle Business Model. Specific questions in the “Modern Mughal Mentality Exercises” at the end will guide the reader through putting the Jugaad Management Principle Business Model to work for their business.
Implementing the model can lead to increased profit, maximized resources, and a more efficient way of dealing with today’s turbulent economy. The Modern Mughal Mentality also identifies international opportunities in various industries – providing practical solutions to take the guesswork out of the equation.
The Modern Mughal Mentality’s four chapters reveal how the same mentality, which has enabled India to enjoy economic success in today’s turbulent times can radically transform any business. The Jugaad Management Principle Business Model can be used to maximize resources and increase profitability in many sectors. Success stories, important lessons to remember, and opportunities for growth in both India and around the world are given. The “Modern Mughal Mentality Exercises” at the end leads the reader to think creatively and use The Modern Mughal Mentality to create innovative and cost-effective solutions to problems on their own. Regardless of where the reader lives, or what type of business they run, they will be able to improve their bottom line by implementing these changes.
Photo galleries of magical moments that led to the birth of The Modern Mughal Mentality give the readers of my book
an opportunity to see some of my special moments and provide them another unique way to connect to this book.
About the Author
Dr. Afshan Naheed Hashmi was born in India and educated both in India and USA. She now lives in Rockville, Maryland, USA.
Dr. Hashmi is an author, award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, educator, and a book, movie, make-up and beauty products reviewer, film critic and Radio and TV show host, a successful regulatory and business development and scientific professional with more than a decade of experience.
She specializes in making innovative and value creation market entry strategies for companies looking to enter India. She also lectures and delivers seminars on “Doing Business in India,” including culture training. An award‐winning entrepreneur, Dr. Hashmi has coordinated meetings and accommodations for U.S. business delegations in India. She has facilitated the introduction of U.S. businesses to potential U.S. and international partners, and vice‐versa. Dr. Hashmi maintains an extensive professional network that is required to launch initiatives especially in the U.S., India, Qatar, UAE and Bahrain.
Currently every month she delivers lectures on India's various aspects to a very large audience. Dr. Afshan Naheed Hashmi has an amazingly diverse career with extensive media experience. She is very popular in India, and many newspapers in India in English, Hindi, and Urdu having written about her including, "The Hindu", "Hindustan Times", and "The Indian Express" to name a few ( (drafshanhashmi.com/id16.html ).She has also appeared on major television channels in India and on TV Asia in the USA.
Dr.Hashmi has had a total reach of over one billion people worldwide via print, TV, and online. Dr. Hashmi is the author of two blogs,”India Business Innovations”
( indiabusinessinnovations.wordpress.com) and “Connecting with the Dignitaries”
She has authored numerous scientific reports, and has also written and presented various papers on the subject of biochemistry and molecular biology.
With years of experience as a business development, regulatory, and scientific professional, Dr. Hashmi’s wide experience base enables her to offer strategically sound advice in many business sectors. While working with clients on improving profitability, Dr. Hashmi was able to experience the powerful impact that the new business model revealed in The Modern Mughal Mentality firsthand. She has written articles and or comments for The Huffington Post, Elle India, Elle, Glamour, Forbes India, Harvard Business Review, Elle UK, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, The Chew Show website, TNW Blog
Dr. Hashmi’s popular lectures range in topics and include everything from improving profitability in the international business to international cuisine and culture. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others.
Dr. Hashmi had founded Global Regulatory and Business Solutions, LLC as President, and has provided operations management, business development, market entry strategies for India and Qatar, and regulatory affairs expertise.
Prior to opening her own business, she was the primary company liaison to companies located in Asia and U.S. as the consulting liaison for ToxLogic LLC, and supported companies’ business development activities by communicating orally and in writing with potential clients and providing regulatory strategic planning and advice. She has traveled internationally to support business development and to give oral presentations to diverse audiences. She has been invited as a guest faculty by a very prestigious university in India to introduce and teach U.S. Regulatory Affairs and its relation to the business of Biotechnology via online classes. Dr. Hashmi is currently working on the curriculum for this online class. Dr. Hashmi successfully collaborated with a client to gather information to support filing of a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application to allow the client to file for a patent in multiple countries simultaneously. Reviewed scientific portion of application used this information to then help client develop licensing agreement to distribute a new technology. She has also provided entrepreneurship training.
Dr. Hashmi earned a PhD Biochemistry from Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh(UP) India, 1991, M.Phil Biochemistry,(a pre‐PhD requirement), 1988, M.Sc. Biochemistry,1985 and a B.S. (Honors) Chemistry,1983. She was also educated at Johns Hopkins University in Regulatory Affairs in the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Advanced Academic Programs, Department of Biotechnology. Coursework: Regulatory Processes for Domestic and Global Biotechnology Products and University of Maryland (Baltimore), School of Medicine, Department of Medical and Research Technology Categorical Course in Clinical Chemistry, 1997.
Dr.Hashmi earned a certification from American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) ‐ Technologist in Chemistry. She is also Regulatory Affairs Certified (RAC) US and has extensive experience with scientific research and publication as well as an in‐depth knowledge of regulatory requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Dr. Hashmi has evaluated outsourcing opportunities for clinical trials and manufacturing, conducted scientific literature reviews, and analyzed research data, and prepared press releases and other marketing materials. Dr. Hashmi worked also as Research Associate at Human Genome Sciences, Inc., Rockville, Maryland; Medical Technologist in Rapid Response Laboratory at University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD; Public Health Scientist at Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Laboratories Administration, Baltimore, MD; Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Physiology, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; and as Research Assistant, University of Maryland Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD. She is also a member of The American Society for Clinical Pathology(ASCP); member of Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society( RAPS) and member of Maryland Writers' Association(MWA).
Dr. Hashmi is a recipient of the Ibn Sina Public Health Award in recognition of her contributions in the field of Public Health Science and Entrepreneurship from the AIDS Cell of the Ibn Sînâ Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, Aligarh, (UP),India. She also received an Award of Excellence by AMU Ladies Club, Aligarh, (UP), India.
On April 14, 2008, her company, Global Regulatory and Business Solutions, LLC, was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation by the County Executive,The Honorable Isiah Leggett of Montgomery County in recognition and appreciation for being one of Montgomery County’s outstanding companies chosen for visits during Business Appreciation Week. Also on April 14, 2008 another Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Dr. Afshan Naheed Hashmi’s company, Global Regulatory and Business Solutions, LLC, by the Mayor of the City of Rockville, The Honorable Susan Hoffmann and Executive Director of Rockville Economic Development, Inc., Sally Sternbach in recognition of company’s contributions to Rockville’s economy and participation in Rockville Business Appreciation Week, April 14‐18, 2008.
She was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation on March 10, 2008 by the County Executive of Montgomery County, Maryland, The Honorable Isiah Leggett, for serving as a member of Montgomery County’s November 2007 business mission to India.
She was also awarded Junior and Senior Research Fellowships by the Indian Council of Medical Research, May 1987 to November 1991. Dr. Hashmi was awarded an Aligarh Muslim University Medal for earning the First Position in the M.Sc. Biochemistry Program as well as the Science Merit Scholarship as a result of a written competitive test for the academic session 1983‐1985. A scholarship was given for the pursuit of a two‐year M.Sc. biochemistry program.
Dr. Hashmi loves to promote authors and artists, and through videoconferencing she interviews authors and artists and then shares these interviews on various social media platforms. She runs a book club on Goodreads and Twitter called Afshan Hashmi's Online Book Club, which takes its members on an innovative, inspiring, and intellectual journey. The book club is also called Afshan's Stylish and Glam Reading Corner, launched on 20 April 2014. In the book club she also reviews books. She has also created Hashtag #drafshanglambookclub to have a very stimulating and interactive discussion in her book club. Dr. Hashmi reviews books, movies, beauty, and make-up products on Amazon and Goodreads (books only) websites. Also she reviews books, movies, beauty, and make-up products via audio and video podcasts on her Youtube channel, internet radio and TV shows. A hashtag has been created #The Modern Mughal Mentality as well as a blog by this name, to have interactive discussions about the The Modern Mughal Mentality book online. Various other hashtags have been created to have stimulating discussions. These hashtags are #askdrafshan, #americaindiaexpert and # AMUtalk.
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Grand Finale for
The Bad Boy of Butterfly Harbor
By Anna J. Stewart
We hope you enjoyed being introduced to Butterfly Harbor and its residents, especially Luke and Holly. If you missed any of the excerpts, interviews, or reviews, feel free to go back and read them and enter the Amazon gift card giveaway while you can...
Launch - Intro to the Book
Butterfly Harbor, California is a town on the verge of collapse. People have left, businesses have closed, and the infrastructure is in desperate need of, well, a lot of helping hands. The idea of community coming together to save something as important as the town they live in holds tremendous appeal. THE BAD BOY OF BUTTERFLY HARBOR, the debut book in the series, sets the stage for serious change, not just for the town, but for a few residents in particular.
underneath the covers - Excerpt
. . . He could manage a year in Butterfly Harbor. Or so he’d told himself on the cross-country drive. Apparently Holly Campbell hadn’t gotten the memo. Luke glanced over as she swept out of sight into the kitchen, her shoulder-length brown hair tumbling in waves. She’d been pretty as a girl, but as a woman she was stunning.
I Am A Reader - Excerpt
Holly didn’t want to think about how “shiny” Luke Saxon had turned out. It had only been an hour since Luke had walked into the diner—an hour she’d spent scrubbing every pot and pan in the kitchen. Anything to distract herself and put her anger to some use.
Word Wranglers - Interview
1. When did you first consider yourself a writer? Honestly? I think from the time I wrote my first story as a freshman in high school. I’d always loved making up stories and playing make-believe, but when a group of friends and I started writing mini romances (soon after I discovered reading romances), the world kind of opened. My grades sure suffered, but I couldn’t stop writing.
Mommabears Book Blog - Excerpt
Now that Holly stepped away from the past, she was able to see those smooth edges her best friend mentioned. While she could still see the angry, abused teenage Luke lurking behind those blue eyes, the man standing in front of her seemed weathered and in control of what had weighed him down for so long. Both the easy smile he gave Abby and the guarded but polite glance he aimed in Holly’s direction had her regretting the vehemence of her earlier anger.
Getting Your Read On - Review
"This book focused more on healing and redemption than on romance. It was a community book and by that I mean that while there were a couple of main characters, it was more about the whole community than just those two characters. This book felt to me like made for TV, feel good film. I would watch this book on TV! I enjoyed my time in Butterfly Harbor and look forward to going back again with another character."
Teatime and Books - Excerpt
“Thanks, Gil.” Luke’s stomach gripped his still digesting lunch. And here he thought facing Holly or her father would be the hardest part of his return. Going back to the house he’d sworn never to step foot in again... “I’ll catch up with you next week to talk about the department budget.” By then he should have his bearings.
deal sharing aunt - Interview
3. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? From all over the place. THE BAD BOY OF BUTTERFLY HARBOR was inspired by Monterey, CA (and its sister city Pacific Grove). I had one heroine (back when I was writing urban fantasy romance) who shot into my head when I was at a Georgia O’Keefe and Ansel Adams exhibit at an art museum. I think it was all the polished wood and atmosphere—she was just there, clear as day. TV inspires me a lot—I can figure out plot twists and see them coming a mile off, so it teaches me how not to do that. Anything at any time can pop a story or character into my head. It’s one of the reasons I love being a writer so much. Inspiration is everywhere.
Beck Valley Books - Excerpt
And he still wore a black leather jacket and carried himself with a self-assuredness that was both enviable and off-putting. His onetime too long ink-black hair had been shorn into shape, his pasty complexion replaced by what looked like years spent in the sun. The sad stone-blue eyes she remembered in the face of a sullen boy had turned to steel in the span of twelve years. She saw life painted on his handsome face.
Christy's Cozy Corners - Review
"I love how real the characters in this story are. They are very well-developed and totally make you feel like you know them in real life. I love the setting of the story and the story itself. It is a clean book, yet it is filled with true romance. I love that!"
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Excerpt
“Yeah.” She shuddered, her brain going fuzzy as electricity zinged around her. Another couple of seconds and she could have been under that branch. She shrugged off his hold despite the comfort his hands provided. “You win."
Thoughts of a Blonde - Review
"A touching story about redeeming yourself after a past you are not proud of."
Book Reviews @ Athena - Review HERE
"The story was interesting, the characters believable and the second chance was one both Luke and Holly deserved. Easy reading with a happy ending. "
Singing Librarian Books - Review
"Author Anna J. Stewart’s latest Harlequin Heartwarming novel, The Bad Boy of Butterfly Harbor, is a beautiful and inspiring story about learning from current and past mistakes, forgiveness, change, and love and friendship not only between adults, but children as well."
Becky on Books - Review
"I loved all the characters in this story–Holly and Luke, along with their large cast of secondaries. This series has real potential, and I’m looking forward to my next trip to Butterfly Harbor."
Mythical Books - Review
"Told in an attractive style, Bad Bay of Butterfly Harbor will be appreciated by those who enjoy a clean, but not a dull romance. I know I read it with pleasure."
Enthralling Dimple - Review
"This is a really beautiful book, beautiful in the sense of how the story was told with so much simplicity and genuine emotions. This book revolves around second chances, forgiveness, acceptance, and moving on. :) Something that’s a very important thing and not many people find it in them to do. . . . It’s a very thoughtful and sweet book. While it’s an easy read it will give you a lot to think about."
Zerina Blossom's Books - Interview
Can you tell us what your writing plans are? Well, I have a second book in the Butterfly Harbor series coming out from Heartwarming in June (RECIPE FOR REDEMPTION) and hopefully they’ll want some more books for the line. In February, my two best writing friends and I have a Valentine’s anthology MAKE ME A MATCH from Heartwarming featuring three bachelors/best friends who delve into matchmaking. We had a lot of fun with those stories. I’ll also be wrapping up my Tremayne Family romances in April with THE TROUBLE WITH NATHAN (this features a hero who’s a thief and a heroine who’s a con artist). And then I’m diving into the romantic suspense genre with a trilogy from Harlequin Romantic Suspense. THE BONDED TRILOGY centers around a trio of childhood friends bonded by the kidnapping and unsolved murder of one of their friends twenty years ago. I’m going to be busy!
(Butterfly Harbor #1) Paperback & ebook, 368 pagesby Anna J. Stewart Adult Contemporary Romance 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming Can people truly change? Two things keep Holly Campbell grounded: her precocious son and preserving her forty-year-old family diner in the face of expansion and change. She doesn't need a blast from the past like Luke Saxon, who's back in Butterfly Harbor after more than a decade away. The hard-luck kid who nearly destroyed her family, leaving her to pick up the pieces, is taking over as sheriff. She can't trust him, even if Luke's ideas for the town's upcoming anniversary seem to show he's trying to give back to their community. Has Butterfly Harbor found its unlikely savior? And has the widowed single mother finally found a man she can believe in, rely on…and love?
You’ve met Anna J. Stewart (or someone like her) before. She was the girl who spun in circles on the playground hoping her Wonder Woman costume would magically appear before playing cops and robbers a la Charlie’s Angels–as Sabrina (she was the smart one). Anna was the girl in the back of the class with a paperback romance hidden in her algebra book (and yes, she failed algebra).
Growing up in the 70′s and 80′s meant there weren’t a lot of YA books, so she ventured early into mainstream fiction and read Stephen King’s CARRIE at the age of 8. Discovering Nora Roberts and romance novels early in high school opened her eyes to the wonders of storytelling and the beauty of a happily ever after.
So here she is, many years later with an English degree from CSU Sacramento, an RWA Golden Heart nomination behind her, countless stories in her head, and a serious addiction to STAR TREK, SUPERNATURAL, and SHERLOCK. She recently wrapped up a nearly 8-year stint working as assistant to NYTimes bestselling author Brenda Novak where she helped run Brenda's annual online auction for diabetes research. When she's not writing or reading (which she never has enough time for!), she's working on dollhouse miniatures and tolerating her overly-affectionate cat named Snickers (or perhaps it's Snickers who tolerates her).
Website - Goodreads - Facebook - Twitter - Pinterest - Instagram Revived By MalmOlodian Alien Warrior Romance ChroniclesBook 2By
Bestselling Author
Mychal DanielsSci-fi Fantasy Romance
Who has time to miss coffee and chocolate when there’s an Alien Warrior superhero stealing hearts? Clever with a bright future ahead of her, Dr. Phoebe Brown has it all— intelligence, an enviable career as a highly respected doctor, beauty and brains. That is until her life is endangered on a failing maintenance Space Station. A heroic rescue by a fleet of honorable, if not unbelievably sexy Warrior Aliens, places a now comatose Phoebe in a new alien world. She wakes to find her entire life as she knew it is gone and she must start over—alone. Malm is the ultimate warrior, committed to fulfilling his duty as second-in-command to his cousin and friend, Tordin. So, when he experiences an undeniable pull and extraordinary attraction for the sleeping human female, he wants nothing more than to get her safely to his planet. There she can find a male worthy of her and… away from him. Will Phoebe be able to create a new life after Earth—alone—when her heart longs for the attention and touch of the one man who is the least interested—the one with the emerald eyes called Malm. Buy links:
About the Author:
Mychal Daniels grew up fantasizing about the wonderment of what ifs. This love spilled over into her ability to weave stories that arrested the attention of her siblings and friends. After going the way of the office drone for far too many seasons, she decided to follow her love of romance, fantasy and storytelling to create and share her highly imaginative take on the great what ifs. The result is these books that allow you to step into the world of her fanciful imagination. Enjoy and don't forget to leave a review while Mychal is off lassoing in your next book boyfriend!
Find your next book boyfriend here.
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BOUND BY SECRETS, BOOK 7 OF THE DARK SECRETS SERIESFROM AWARD WINNING AUTHOR, A.M. HUDSON![]() ![]() This is a novel-length epilogue to A.M. Hudson's internationally bestselling Bound and Dark Secrets series. The last words came up on the page, but they weren't done telling their story. Join Ara and David for one final and epic tale of love, loss, tragedy, and the roller coaster of emotions you have come to expect from this author. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ![]() If you want to know your future, look to your past.... EXCERPT*****Spoiler Alert***** “Where are you going?” “To the cells. I need to kill Morgana.” “And I’m with you on that, one hundred percent, but you can't go yet.” He grabbed my arm as I reached for the door. “Why not?” “We might be the future monarchs of the Lilithian people, but while my brother and his wife reign, we must have their permission to see any prisoner in their cells.” “Then take me to Jason—” “Not Jason,” he said. “Lily.” “Why her?” “Because she is the only person with a key to Morgana’s cell.” I huffed, my fists clenching. Lily would stop me from seeing Morgana for the very reason I came here: to kill her. “Well, I don’t need a key,” I said, opening the door. “I know how to use my Cerulean Magic. I can shoot her through the damn iron bars if I have to.” David laughed, following me. “I like your thinking.”![]() RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAYIn honor of A.M. Hudson's upcoming release, Bound by Secrets, we are doing a huge multi-author Rafflecopter! Go enter now!!! You will not want to miss out on this! Authors and bloggers are giving a way paperbacks, ebooks, audio books, gift cards, and swag! Go enter now! a Rafflecopter giveawayABOUT THE AUTHORShe's down-to-earth and as normal as a crazy person can be. A young girl at heart, she enjoys alternative music, lives to enjoy life, and loves to torture people in her novels and then write happy endings that are never forgotten. Add her as a friend on Facebook at A.M. Hudson Author, then join her and other fans for some crazy conversations at www.facebook.com/pages/The-Dark-Secrets-Series FOLLOW AUTHOR PAGE FB ANGIE'S PERSONAL PAGE NEWSLETTER AMAZON WEBSITE FANCLUB DARK SECRETS CHAT CLUB DARK SECRETS THE MOVIE FAN PAGE BOUND SERIES PAGE STREET TEAM GOODREADS TWITTER GOOGLE PLUS TUMBLR FANBASE CHARACTER BOARD ON PINTEREST BY NOOK BOOKS AND MORE BLOG ANGIE'S HAPPENING ON PINTEREST BY NOOK BOOKS AND MORE![]() ![]() About the Book: Literary / Women's Fiction Date Published: November 1, 2015 Did you ever wonder what it’s like to dare to fall in love with someone who literally isn’t on your level? The Lightening Round is a fast-paced novel brimming with colorful characters, sinister plots of intrigue and revenge, and over-the-top antics. Hannah More, a single mom with weight issues, assumes that her longtime boyfriend, Luke Havitt, is about to propose marriage to her. Instead, he proposes that in order for Hannah to take their relationship to the next level, that she needs to join a gym and to lose weight. Hannah soon finds herself entering the Ultimate Level, a highly controversial yet incredibly sought after San Francisco “fitness experience” known for not only having the latest in technology and fashion, but also segregating all of its members based solely on their weight and fitness levels. This snappy novel ultimately questions whether true love can survive two individuals from different levels. Even if those levels are only found at a gym. Excerpt: “Can members on different levels interact inside the club?” “Yes. And outside as well. But there are time limitations.” Missy smiled and looked at them both supportively. It was time to kick the sales into high-gear. “And they are?” Levreece and Hannah couldn’t help but be completely awed by Dante as he strutted by the office in an outfit that showed off his incredible physique. Hannah was taken back when she realized that he was even better looking in person than he’d appeared on TV. “Fifteen minutes for each individual who is on a different level every two weeks.” Missy gave Dante a passing glance. “It helps incentivize you. Also, if you are only working on your own level you won’t be as distracted towards achieving your fitness goals.” Levreece smiled at Missy’s rigid face. “Damned. Even the Little Mermaid got longer than that to land her prince.” “But she didn’t have her voice. Now, did she?” It took Missy by surprise that he had alluded to one of her all time favorite movies. She often cried at the end over Ursula, the Sea Witch’s, tragic demise. “I guess you have to talk fast around here.” Hannah hadn’t been in sales for most of her adult life without realizing that Missy was simply selling a dream that very few can obtain. Although she had heard a few of her friends say that if one was able to hold on through the grueling process, Ultimate Level got amazing results. “If you both join today. I am prepared to give you a very attractive membership package.” Missy ignored their skepticism. Levreece thought about Dante. “Well, I do like packages.” “Both? I’m sorry, Miss.” Hannah could feel her chocolate buzz crashing. Missy addressed Hannah as she would a first grader who lacked proper discipline. “The name’s Missy.” “Okay, Missy. I’m sorry if you misunderstood. I’m just here to support Levreece. I am most certainly not joining a gym.” She tightened the head-to-toe black raincoat she had draped around her body. Missy felt the blood boiling in her veins at the mention of the word “gym.” She held her seething anger inside as she spoke. “This is not a gym, Hannah. It is a health and fitness experience.” “I’m not signing up for one of those near-death experiences either. Whatever you want to call it.” ![]() About the Author: Bruce Stuart is the founder of five previous books and is the founder of the popular serial fiction website, SerialTeller.com. The Lightening Round was previously seen in part as a serial on SerialTeller.com under the pseudonym K.T. Newman. Bruce lives and works in San Francisco. Purchase Link Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Lightening-Round-Bruce-S-Stuart/dp/0996486607/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1444742324&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Lightening+Round
Release-Day Grand Finale for
The Suspect's Daughter
By Donna Hatch
We're celebrating the release of The Suspect's Daughter! We hope you enjoyed finding out more about Grant Amesbury, the reclusive Bow Street Runner who has finally met his match, and the Regency era this story is set in. If you missed any of the stops, you can check them out now...
Launch - Intro to the Book
In this new novel, Grant has met his match. Not only is Jocelyn his perfect opposite--light to his darkness--but she matches him in wit and courage. But Jocelyn has her own problems, and a troublesome man does not fit into her plans. ![]() The Rogue Hearts Series centers around a noble family with the surname Amesbury, children of Lord Tarrington. Each book is a stand-alone story about each member of the family. 1. The murder plot in The Suspect’s Daughter was based on true events known as The Cato Street Conspiracy.
Getting Your Read On - Review
"This book was romantic and had a bit of intrigue. I was happy to see glimpses of the Amesbury brothers throughout, still happy and well. Now Grant's story has been told and I can't wait to see where we go next with Donna Hatch. Wherever it is, I will be there. I loved this book. It took me to my happy place!"
Men in many historical eras were civilized and treated women with courtesy by standing up when a lady entered the room, doffed their hats, curtailed their language, offered an arm, bowed, and did a hundred other little things I wish men still did today.
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Review
"I love a good, clean romance, but when there's depth--more "meat" to the story--, I'm in heaven and this book delivers. The reader not only gets a really great, believable romance, but a fantastic story line, full of conspiracy, mystery, and suspense." ![]()
"Regency" is the era in England when the Prince of Wales was Regent, or the ruler, in place of his father, King George III who was declared legal unfit to rule due to madness. Because George (later George IV) was the Prince Regent, the period is called the Regency. The true usually when I tell people I write Regency, I get one of two reactions. They either say, “I love Regency” or they say “what is Regency?” I guess to know it is to love it.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Review
"The Suspect’s Daughter has it all – romance, suspense, great characters, skilled writing, and some quite spectacular kisses. I thoroughly enjoyed each aspect of this novel and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to fans of historical fiction, particularly the Regency era."
Here is a basic rundown on titles. The titles of duke and marquess are usually territorial, meaning they are associated with a specific area of land, such as Duke of York, Marquess of Salisbury, etc. Though the titles of earl, viscount, and baron are most often associated with a territory, they can also be based on a family name, eg Earl of Tarrington. Some titles were bestowed without land so the title is attached to the family rather than to the land that family governs, so to speak.
underneath the covers - Writing Great Kissing Scenes
Great kissing scenes always include a great deal of sensory detail. I try to include as many of the five senses as possible, as well as internalization—what that person is thinking and feeling in his/her heart. I walk a fine line between sizzling chemistry and staying on the “sweeter” side of romance. ![]()
To accommodate the Regency gentry or nobility, the styles, paint design, and features of carriages were as varied as today’s automobiles. Image, status, and money, as well as personal taste, were all factors in choosing a carriage. Nobility had their family coat of arms painted on the side of their family coach. A reader may come across a number of different names for carriages, and unless one is willing to do some research, these names may mean nothing.
Rockin' Book Reviews - Review
"From the first pages of this book, I was completely sucked in. I fell in love with Grant and Jocelyn and the type of characters they portrayed. I would recommend this book to anyone." ![]() Into this ineffective chaos stepped the Fielding brothers. Henry Fielding was a magistrate who operated his office on Bow Street. In 1750, he and his brother hand picked and organized an elite fighting force of highly trained and disciplined young men known as the Bow Street Runners. Later nick-named the “Robins Redbreasts” for their distinctive red waistcoats, they conducted investigations, including a rudimentary forensics and interrogations. They even carried handcuffs.
Bookworm Nation - Review
"We know Grant helps out with Bow Street Runners, so it was fun to see him in his element trying to solve a mystery. I also liked to see that he had high standards and always tried to do the right thing and help others. Jocelyn and Grant were great together, their relationship built at a believable pace and had plenty of swoony moments."
Singing Librarian Books - The Cato Street Conspiracy
The murder plot in The Suspect’s Daughter was inspired by a true event in England known as the Cato Street Conspiracy.
The early 1800’s in England was a time of social and economic upheaval. Upon the ending of the long-term Napoleonic wars, unemployed career soldiers and sailors flooded the workforce. Industrial change was taking England from a largely agricultural country to one of large industry. Many of the working class were hungry and feeling oppressed. Riots erupted which the government crushed. Laws grew more and more restrictive.
(Rogue Hearts, #4) Paperback & ebook, 298 pagesby Donna Hatch Adult Historical Romance December 15th 2015 by Mirror Lake Press Determined to help her father with his political career, Jocelyn sets aside dreams of love. When she meets the handsome and mysterious Grant Amesbury, her dreams of true love reawaken. But his secrets put her family in peril. Grant goes undercover to capture conspirators avowed to murder the prime minister, but his only suspect is the father of a courageous lady who is growing increasingly hard to ignore. He can’t allow Jocelyn to distract him from the case, nor will he taint her with his war-darkened soul. She seems to see past the barriers surrounding his heart, which makes her all the more dangerous to his vow of remaining forever alone. Jocelyn will do anything to clear her father’s name, even if that means working with Grant. Time is running out. The future of England hangs in the balance...and so does their love.
Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty five years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.
Tour Giveaway
$10 Amazon eGift Card 2 ebooks of A Winter's Knight 2 ebooks of Mistletoe Magic Open internationally Ends December 19th a Rafflecopter giveaway
ABOUT THE BOOK BEYOND THE STARS Author: Stacy Wise Publisher: Entangled Publishing Imprint: Embrace Release Date: 02/08/16 SYNOPSIS: Most girls would kill for the opportunity to work for Jack McAlister, Hollywood’s hottest actor, but twenty-one-year-old Jessica Beckett is ready to kick him out of her red Ford Fiesta and never look back. She should be spending her junior year in France, eating pastries and sharpening her foreign language skills. Instead she’s reluctantly working as Jack’s personal assistant, thanks to her powerhouse talent agent aunt. Jack is private, prickly, and downright condescending. Jessica pushes his buttons—she’s not the type of girl to swoon over celebrity heartthrobs, precisely why her aunt thought she’d be perfect for the job—and Jack pushes right back. But as she begins to peel away his layers, Jessica is shocked to find she craves her boss’s easy smile and sexy blue eyes. The problem is, so does the entire female population. And what started out as the job from hell soon has Jess wondering if a guy like Jack could ever find love with a regular girl like her. BOOK LINKS Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25272714-beyond-the-stars?ac=1&from_search=1 ![]()
Stacy Wise is the author of BEYOND THE STARS (Entangled Embrace, 2016). She has a B.A. in Communications Studies from UCLA and a Masters in Teaching from Chapman University. She lives in California with her husband and four children. When she’s not dreaming up stories, you can find her beating up the bag at a kickboxing gym, cheering for her kids at their numerous sporting events, or walking her dogs, Bailey and Rex. Stacy is repped by Beth Miller of Writers House. Stop by her website, stacywise.com, or visit her on Twitter @stacywisebooks to say hi. FUN FACTS ABOUT STACY *She worked in casting on shows including The X Files, Married...With Children, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, and Party of Five. *She married the guy next door. *If she could steal anyone’s singing voice and make it her own, she’d choose Lauren Alaina’s. *She became obsessed with Australia as a kid. She’s been there three times, and it always feels like home *While in Australia, she inadvertently took a shower with a spider the size of a shoe. *A Ring of Endless Light by Madeleine L’Engle was one of her favorite books as a kid. She still loves it. *She’d make a great detective or secret agent. (Or maybe she’s just really good at watching Dateline.) *Taylor Swift plays on repeat when she’s writing. *She once ran a 10k without training for it to prove to her husband she could. *Spicy food is her favorite! AUTHOR LINKS Website: http://www.stacywise.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stacywiseauthor?fref=nf Twitter: https://twitter.com/StacyWiseBooks Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13763102.Stacy_Wise?from_search=true&search_version=service_impr Instagram: https://instagram.com/stacywisebooks/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sfraenkelmail/
Can she find the killer before the killer strikes again?
Publication Date: November 12, 2015
Genre: Mystery, Romance
Series: Leah Norwood Mystery #2
Leah wants to find out what happened to Donnie, but why would someone kill for a hundred year old ring? She discovers a connection between Donnie and the drug-dealing Cantono family, between the Cantono family and a jewelry appraiser, and between the jewelry appraiser and one of her own employees. Chief Griggs might be onto something. All clues lead back to the family ring. Leah loves a good mystery. Can she find the killer before the killer strikes again?
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | iBooks | Kobo
B. L. Blair writes simple and sweet romance and mystery/romance stories. Like most authors, she has been writing most of her life and has dozens of books started. She just needs the time to finish them.
She is the author of the Holton Romance Series and the Leah Norwood Mysteries. She enjoys reading books, writing books, and traveling wherever and as often as time and money allows. She is currently working on her latest book set in Texas, where she lives with her family. ![]() Return
BUY LINKS: -- EXCERPT: It’s him. Mark. My ex-boyfriend. I can’t look. I just…can’t. Too many memories are in that face. That rugged, handsome face. My heart jumps up like an excited puppy, wagging in my chest, eager to be acknowledged and touched. The rest of me shoves it down. Officer Mark Paulson stands in front of me in uniform, soaking wet, his hat making the rain fall in streaks in front of him. The curtain of water catches my eye. It’s easier to watch it than to stare at him. If I did stare, though, I know what I would see. Broad shoulders under that crisp black uniform shirt. A thin scar running under his jaw, where he was knifed in a fight when he did a tour in Afghanistan. Wet, blonde hair I used to love to stroke. Gentle hands that once cupped my face. Eyes that could draw me in with a hot breath. The tender taste of lips meant only for me. He speaks, pulling me out of the memory. Stop it, Carrie, I think. Stop with the dreams you destroyed. “You okay?” he asks, looking around swiftly. He’s worried. That’s really touching. It’s nice to know he cares. Three years is long enough for him to stop hating me, right? And I know he hates me. He has to. I disappeared one day and never said goodbye to him. When you do that to someone, they tend to really resent it. Especially if they love you. “I’m, uh…” My voice fails me as I watch the water fall in sheets down his cap. “My tire blew.” He thumps his hand on the car door. “She’s still around, huh?” I know he means the car, but it feels like a dig. Like he’s cutting into me for leaving. Like he’s still hurt. If he’s still hurt, that means the feelings haven’t faded, and if his feelings are still that strong, then mine make more sense. I thought when I left town I would shed so much damage and hurt. Because leaving town meant I could leave behind so much pain. But leaving Mark? That meant the pain came with me. I start to shiver. It’s not from the cold and the rain. Those arms. The rain drops gather and ripple down his taut muscles, dotted with a sprinkling of dark hair. I remember when I was in those arms. I remember every single time he touched me. ![]()
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19-year-old twin demon trackers Shaun and Sarah Gallows are used to running into trouble...
Publication Date: September 2012
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Series: Gallows #1
19-year-old twin demon trackers Shaun and Sarah Gallows are used to running into trouble - mostly the kind with fangs - but while Sarah embraces her powers to their fullest extent, trusting her instincts implicitly, Shaun distances himself from his abilities and can do little more than despair at his sister’s reckless nature and idly back her up. When they come across 17-year-old Melissa Carling, a demon tracker who’s been torturing innocent super-naturals, they know they have to stop her. Sarah is desperate to punish Melissa for what she’s been doing but Shaun’s instant attraction to the girl points to a soul-mate bond stronger than anything he’s ever had to fight before…
Sharon Stevenson is the twisted mind behind The Gallows Novels and the brand new After Death Series. If you want to know a bit about her, here it is: She spends too much time indoors and probably watches too many horror films. Some of her favourite things are; Alone time, people who know when to shut up, having a drink, eating pizza (usually after having too much drink the night before), reading books, adult swim cartoons, bad horror and sci-fi movies, proper good TV shows like Dexter & The Walking Dead, and last but not least having a laugh with her hilarious other half – this would usually include some of the above.
February 2023