Historical Romance
Date Published: February 2016
Jameson Hartford and his wife, Abigail, return to their home in South Carolina to claim his inheritance, the Serenity Plantation, where he is determined to free all his workers and put an end to the evils of enslavement. He encounters hostility and hatred from family, friends, an entire community, and even his wife, as he steadfastly holds to his beliefs. Through the ordeal, he meets and falls in love with Delilah, one of his female workers, which further complicates the volatile situation.
Outnumbered and alone, he must sacrifice everything as he attempts to liberate Delilah and her people, facing confrontations, treachery, and even betrayal, culminating in a final deadly showdown between precious freedom and extreme prejudice.
A Northern Rebel is a romantic adventure that touches on human emotions and forbidden love amidst the rich backdrop of the old South at the onset of the Civil War.
Jameson tossed and turned until the wee small hours of the
morning, unable to fall asleep. His thoughts were filled with the
events of the day: Abigail, Bethany Sue, and especially Delilah.
He felt guilty about Abigail and shocked by Bethany Sue but
couldn’t get Delilah out of his mind. She suffered so much at the
hands of unscrupulous men. He decided to rise, get dressed, and
go down to slave row to be sure she was all right. He carefully
opened the bedroom door, and being reassured that Bethany Sue
was not there, he crept along the wall and down the stairs, finally
reaching the main door. He turned the knob and pulled the door
open, letting the hot, moist air engulf him.
He started down the path then suddenly stopped, wondering
what he would say to her. Would she think he was coming to take
advantage of her, to hurt her like his brother did? He decided this
was not such a good idea and it would be in his best interest to
go back to the house. He turned to retreat but was stopped by
a voice.
“Mista Jameson?”
He turned around to see Delilah standing there; looking
absolutely beautiful bathed in the pale moonlight.
Startled, he began to ramble. “Lilah, I couldn’t sleep. I was
concerned, I mean, worried about you. I wanted to be sure you
were all right. You were so sad. I wanted to say again how sorry
I was.”
She walked toward him.
He kept on speaking. “Abigail left me. She thought you and
I… Well, uh, I mean, she’s gone back to her mother.”
Delilah said softly, “I know. I saw her leave.”
He continued nervously, “I want you to know that you
never have to fear me. I would never hurt you or force you to do
anything you didn’t want to do.”
Delilah looked seductively into his eyes and whispered, “You
wouldn’t be forcing me.”
Jameson, confused for a second, did not know what to make
of this beautiful brown woman. He stuttered. “Are you saying, I
mean, that you… and I, that is, you would—”
She softly spoke. “You’re the first white man who ever talked
nice to me or even treated me with any kindness. You saved me
from that horrible Mista Slycott, and you care enough about me
and my people to give us our freedom, even though it puts your
life in danger. You’re the most wonderful person I ever met.”
She leaned in close to him and pressed her moist, soft lips
firmly yet gently on his. He did not hesitate and kissed her in
return. She tasted so different yet so delicious. They looked deep
into each other’s souls; she could see the desire in his eyes, he
could read the need in hers. They would never forget this moment
for the rest of their lives.
Delilah joined her hand into his and slowly led him into
the barn. They crawled onto a pile of hay and began to kiss each
other passionately. She started to unbutton his shirt. He, in turn,
removed her dress. They fell into each other’s arms and gave into
the temptation and the lust. They wanted each other badly.
He ran his hands up and down across her young body, touching
her first with his fingers and then with his lips. She returned the
affection with eager anticipation, exciting him more and more with
every touch—caressing, hugging, and kissing so deeply as they united
their two bodies in love. It was a love neither one of them understood,
but that didn’t seem to matter, as his lighter tan skin and her darker
brown skin blended together into a beautiful shade of brown. Their
state of ecstasy grew stronger and stronger, finally releasing all the
pent up fear and anxiety in the beauty of the moment.
Then they lay exhausted yet content in each other’s arms,
enjoying the forbidden love each one felt for the other. They
were lost in the moment and did not care about the time until
they heard the rooster crow. Reality was calling them back. They
hastily got dressed. He couldn’t resist a last kiss before letting her
leave, hoping this was not the end. They made no promises to
each other, for they both knew the risks and perils of their tryst.
However, he just couldn’t erase the big grin he had on his face as
he made his way back to the house. They couldn’t help turning
around, looking back at each other and smiling one more time,
wishing the moment did not have to end. He could still taste her
sweet scent in his mouth and vowed to himself to preserve the
memory for as long as possible until he could taste her once again.
Delilah was also smiling and dreaming of a love she knew
could not be. She slowly sauntered back to slave row only to find
the other slaves in turmoil.
About the Author
John J Schaffer has always enjoyed writing. He graduated college receiving a BS degree majoring in Marketing, with a minor in Psychology. Working in advertising for various major pharmaceutical and industrial corporations, he created, wrote and produced a wide range of promotional materials and literature for dissemination to physicians and sales representatives, winning several AGA awards for his works. He has a vivid imagination for creating memorable characters and situations, being able to bring an original idea to life. This is John’s first novel, and he is currently working on the equally exciting sequel to this fascinating and poignant saga. John plays guitar and also writes songs, receiving accolades for his original compositions while being a part of a rock group in the 70’s. He has also played and sang at church services during that time period. John was born and grew up in Elizabeth and currently resides in Old Bridge Township, New Jersey.
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![]() Rattle the Bones
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iBooks -- EXCERPT: “These are the best effects I’ve ever seen,” an older girl said, maybe a teenager or just out of those awful years. “It feels like stone.” “Momma says all the people in that shop love Satan,” a little boy said. “I have lived enough millennia to know evil,” Aeros said. “Despite any transgression those people may have committed, they are benevolent.” A woman on a bench nearby started fidgeting. She either didn’t realize Aeros was with us, or she thought this was all for fun. “You have him talking to people?” Edgar said. “They think it’s a show?” “Some of them,” Zola said as she turned and lowered her voice. “And not an advertising gimmick?” I asked. I raised my voice. “Maybe we should hang a sign around his neck, could get some extra business.” The Old God turned to look at me. I was fairly certain he had a few choice words for me, but he kept them to himself. There were kids present after all. ![]()
GIVEAWAY! ![]() Curse of Stars
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iBooks -- EXCERPT: “You must be Sabina,” he said. Her heart felt ready to explode. Ringing in her ears made it hard to hear but she could have sworn he called her Sabina. She didn’t know whether to answer him or not. She went by Sabi but her birth certificate said Sabina. He wasn’t wrong, but she wasn’t about to admit that. “Sabina Petris.” The sound of his voice was soft, almost welcoming. But the way he looked at her, how his gaze bored directly into her eyes, it sent goose bumps across her skin. All she wanted to do right then was leave. “Sorry,” she choked, the word barely making it out. “You have the wrong house.” The thin smile that sliced across his face like a paper cut cracked open to reveal gleaming teeth underneath. Sabi couldn’t help but think of a wolf and how he would eat her with his big teeth. “I don’t think so. But maybe it’s Perez now, yes? At least that’s what my sources say.” Every thought she had smashed together in her head. He had her name. Her name. But who was Sabina Petris? And why did he say Perez like that wasn’t her real name? Crap, she needed to get out. Now. “Baby, you okay?” Sabi jumped and nearly choked on her heart. Keeping her eyes on the man in front of her she called down to Mrs. Wexler in the steadiest voice she could muster, “Fine. I’m fine.” Nothing about her cracking voice sounded fine. “Why don’t you come on down? Come sit with me until your Mama gets home?” Yes! That’s what she’d do. Nothing could happen if she stayed out in the open with Mrs. Wexler. She took a step backward, not daring to turn her back on the man, but she stopped when he spoke. “Perhaps you shouldn’t. Or your sister, Matti is it? Could feel the effects of that poor decision.” Bile burned Sabi’s throat and her vision swam. The man took a step closer. “You are my property, Sabina. Your parents knew this. They knew this would happen. Come with me now and I’ll forgive their indiscretions. I can’t say the same for their people, of course. So many deaths piling up behind your parents. Something like that is hard for people to forgive.” Everything in Sabi’s head cleared and one thing rang out above it all: Matti. Get to Matti. Whoever this guy was, whatever he was saying, he wasn’t right. In the head, in life, in anything. Except just looking at him Sabi knew he was far from harmless. He was too casual, too confident. He was the wolf and she the prey and she was getting too close to backing into a corner. With every ounce of air she had in her lungs Sabi screamed Mrs. Wexler’s name and booked back down the stairs. Footsteps thundered up to meet her and Mrs. Wexler mumbled ‘outside’ and nearly pushed Sabi down the rest of the stairs. But she didn’t need any help. And she didn’t stop on the stoop or to see what her neighbor was going to do. Guilt slowed her down, but the way Matti rolled off the man’s tongue made her pump her legs harder. It was blocks to the school, but Sabi wasn’t about to wait at a subway stop, sitting like a duck with a price on its head. She needed to get to Matti.
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![]() Court of Vampires
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Tangle of Strings
By Ashley Farley
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now...
Launch - Note from the Author
I hope you’ll enjoy reading about the Sweeney sisters as much I’ve enjoyed writing about them. They are real women faced with everyday challenges, struggling to balance the demands of career and home while remaining true to themselves.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Spotlight
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Excerpt
Annie checked the clock on the dashboard. She had eight minutes to change into her work clothes, grab a snack, and still be on time for her after-school job at Captain Sweeney’s Seafood Market. She turned off the main road and zoomed down the wooded driveway toward the house. When she rounded the last bend, she saw Heidi leaning against the hood of her vintage turquoise Mustang.
Christy's Cozy Corners - Excerpt
Annie glared at her. “You gave up the right to call me honey, or any other term of endearment for that matter, when you abandoned me.” She tried to brush past Heidi, but she grabbed her by the arm.
Mel's Shelves - Excerpt
Annie yanked her arm away. “The decision was right for you at the time. A very selfish decision, I might add. You took off to Hollywood to chase your dreams of becoming a big movie star, and left me with a man who didn’t know how to scramble an egg or balance his checkbook, let alone raise a little girl.”
Zerina Blossom's Books - Excerpt
Annie stalked off toward her car, but Heidi teetered after her on spiked-heel booties. “You and I were getting along so well together back in December, before you found out who I was. We were becoming friends. We share so many things in common. I know we can build a life together based on that friendship. You can come live with me. I recently signed a lease on the second-floor apartment in a newly renovated old home down on Broad Street, on the Battery. I think you’ll like it. I even have an extra bedroom for you.”
Mythical Books - Excerpt
“I’m not your baby! You abandoned your baby sixteen years ago.” Shoving Heidi out of the way, Annie jumped into her car and struggled to fasten her seat belt. As she shot off down the driveway, she watched her mother slowly disappear in the rearview mirror. She careened onto Creekside Drive with barely a glance in either direction. Tears blurring her vision, she smacked her palms against the steering wheel. “Ugh! I hate her!”
Falling Leaves - Excerpt
He engaged his blue lights, preparing to pull her over, when the accident happened. Tires screeched and a horn blasted as the minivan swerved into Annie’s lane. The sounds of metal crunching and glass shattering filled the air as her Honda hit the front end of the minivan, bounced off the curb, flipped over, and landed on its roof.
Nicole's Book Musings - Excerpt
“Come here, you.” He pulled Sam from her chair and held her at arm’s length, taking her in from the top of her cropped blonde head to her dark-washed jeans and the pointy toes of her cowboy boots, relieved to see she hadn’t changed since breakfast. Sensing the worry behind her deep blue eyes, he wrapped his arms around her slight frame and buried his face in the soft spot at the crook of her neck. “You never know when you wake up in the morning what the day will bring.”
Buried Under Books - Review
"Tangle of Strings is another fine episode in Ms. Farley’s engaging series but I do suggest the series be read in order because each book builds on the one before and it’s the best way to fully understand the Sweeneys and other people in their lives. I’m sorry to say this appears to be the end of the Sweeney family saga but Ms. Farley has at least left us with the possibility of future installments and I’ll be very happy if that happens."
And don't forget to enter the giveaway below...
(Sweeney Sisters #4)
by Ashley Farley
Women's Fiction, Romance
Paperback & ebook, 240 pages January 18th 2017 A nearly tragic accident leads to a discovery that rocks the Sweeney family’s world Some families never resolve conflicts. Not so with the Sweeneys. Their sense of family, their love for one another, and their willingness to forgive have always triumphed and brought them back together. Until now. The latest crisis threatens to tear the family apart and crumble the foundation that has always proved itself rock solid. At the heart of the matter are sixteen-year-old Annie Bethune and her boyfriend, Cooper. At stake are their dreams for the future. As to these dreams, no one in the family holds back when asserting an opinion. Annie soon begins to feel like a puppet on strings with all those she loves telling her what to do. When those strings become tangled and a family feud develops, Annie, unable to bear the pressure, runs away. Straight into the arms of danger.
Other Books in the Series
(Sweeney Sisters #1)
by Ashley Farley
Women's Fiction, Romance
Paperback & ebook, 380 pages
Set in the South Carolina Lowcountry and packed with Southern charm and memorable characters, HER SISTER'S SHOES portrays three sisters—Samantha, Jackie, and Faith—who struggle to balance the demands of career and family while remaining true to themselves. Samantha Sweeney has always been the glue that holds her family together, their go-to girl for love and support. When an ATV accident leaves her teenage son in a wheelchair, she loses her carefully constructed self-control. In the after-gloom of her dreaded fiftieth birthday and the discovery of her husband’s infidelity, Jackie realizes she must reconnect with her former self to find the happiness she needs to move forward. Faith lacks the courage to stand up to her abusive husband. She turns to her sisters for help, placing all their lives at risk. In the midst of their individual challenges, the Sweeney sisters must cope with their mother’s mental decline. Is Lovie in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, or is her odd behavior normal for a woman her age? No one, including Lovie, understands her obsession with a rusty key she wears around her neck. For fans of Elin Hildebrand, HER SISTER'S SHOES is a contemporary women’s novel that explores and proves the healing power of family.
(Sweeney Sisters #2)
by Ashley Farley
Women's Fiction, Romance
Paperback & ebook, 284 pages
Family Drama, Southern Style. There's a stranger in town. And it’s no coincidence when she shows up uninvited at a Sweeney family wedding. All eyes are drawn to this urchin who seems to have washed in with the tide. Before the night is over, the doe-eyed waif charms young and old with her street smarts and spunky personality. For better or worse, Annie Dawn is here to stay. The memorable Sweeney sisters from Her Sister’s Shoes have returned with more suspense and family drama to hold you spellbound until the dramatic conclusion. As she approaches the next stage of her life as an empty nester, Jackie is torn between expanding her fledgling design business and spending these last precious months with her boys before they fly the coop. Her own worst enemy, Sam is terrified of making a commitment to Eli Marshall, handsome police officer, true love of her life. Her resolve is tested when a ghost from her past shows up after nearly two decades. Faith nurtures her seven-year-old daughter who is recovering from the trauma of her abusive father. Is the threat in the past, or is there more danger on the horizon? The sisters seek guidance from their mother, Lovie, a true Southern matriarch who shows them how to respond to adversity with grace and dignity. Things are heating up in the Lowcountry. The Sweeney sisters remind us, once again, that being a part of a family is about more than sharing the same DNA.
(Sweeney Sisters #3)
by Ashley Farley
Women's Fiction, Romance
Paperback & ebook, 166 pages October 18th 2016 ‘Tis the season for chaos. Wedding bells will soon be ringing in the Lowcountry. All Sam Sweeney wants is to marry her man on Christmas Eve surrounded by family and friends. But emerging complications, some humorous and some not so humorous, threaten to converge and derail the best-laid plans during the busy stretch between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Amidst the chaos—dealing with real estate, planning a wedding, running a seafood market, honoring traditions, and contending with teenagers—even the weather rears its head when the weatherman forecasts a white Christmas. Never has family support been more needed, but will it be enough to restore order and save the day? Escape to the Lowcountry this Christmas where romance, intrigue, and holiday merrymaking await you.
About the Author
![]() After her brother died in 1999 of an accidental overdose, she turned to writing as a way of releasing her pent-up emotions. She wrote SAVING BEN in honor of Neal, the boy she worshiped, the man she could not save. Ashley is a wife and mother of two college-aged children. She grew up in the salty marshes of South Carolina, but now lives in Richmond, Virginia, a city she loves for its history and traditions. Ashley loves to hear from her readers. Feel free to visit her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ashleywfarley or twitter.com/ashleywfarley.
Tour Giveaway
2 winners to receive choice of a Sweeney Sisters ebook
Author: Jennifer DiGiovanni Genre: YA Romance Becca Thornton is clueless when it comes to love. Why else would she break up with Will Gamen, a boy at the top of the hottie short list for every other girl? Because, if she’s being totally honest, Becca will admit the truth. Her heart belongs to someone else. For as long as she can remember, Travis Brennen has been unavailable. When Travis unexpectedly rolls back into town, Becca realizes for the first time that her feelings for him might be mutual. But Travis and Becca come from what he calls “different circumstances.” Becca’s parents are world-famous scientists and Travis’s dad is the caretaker on the Thornton family’s estate. Still, Becca can’t change the way she feels about him, no matter how hard her parents try to keep them apart. She’ll just need to find a way to prove to her parents that Travis isn’t the guy they’ve always assumed him to be. Becca’s earned the right to grow up, make her own choices, and fall in love, even if she ends up with a broken heart. LinksBuy on AmazonAuthor BioJennifer DiGiovanni is a freelance writer and YA author of the School Dayz series. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, working on home design projects, or trying to meet the daily goals on her Fitbit. She also likes to try new sports and activities, from archery to ballroom dancing, with varying degrees of success. Twitter: @JenniferDiGiov2 Facebook![]() Swoon Romance on Twitter: @SwoonRomance Swoon Romance on Facebook: Facebook GiveawayWin an eBook copy of My Clueless Broken Heart. a Rafflecopter giveaway![]() Revelations
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iBooks -- EXCERPT: I turn the music off, turn to face him, and ask, “What is it?” “I don’t know watcha talkin’ ’bout,” is all he says. Now, I could leave it alone and let him talk to me when he wants, but there’s no fun in that. “Come on, Brad. Spit it out.” He doesn’t spit it out, just keeps driving us wherever we’re going. When we leave town, I give up on talking to him. He’s impossible when he gets like this. It almost makes me wish I hadn’t started talking to him. Okay, so that’s a pretty terrible lie. My life got immensely better once I allowed Brad to take over, but when he gets like this, it is frustrating. I know what he’s upset about. Just want the thunder to be over so we can get back to the sunshine and rainbows. After two hours of driving in silence, we finally make a stop at a funky looking shop with a day glow sign that reads, “I tell your past, present, future.” I glance over to Brad, a little worried. He brought me to a freakin’ fortuneteller. I hope he knows they are a bunch of con artists. “I use ta come here for advice.” He finally says something to me. It’s not what I want to hear. This is ridiculous. But I don’t tell him that. “I think ya need some advice ’bout life.” “Not from a con artist.” “She’s not a con artist. Madame Mercy is different. She sees into ya soul. And she doesn’t charge.” Ha! Madame Mercy? There’s no way I will ever talk to someone named Madame Mercy. She sounds like the Wicked Witch of the West. And a fortuneteller who doesn’t charge has to be up to something. She’s probably worse than the ones that do. Either way, there is no way I’m stepping foot into this overly hippied out acid house. I sit back in the seat, which I swear has other life forms growing on it, and cross my arms. If he wants me to go inside that whacko’s shop, he’s gonna have to drag me inside, kicking and screaming. I’m not goin’. “Take me home,” I demand. “No, Anna. Ya goin’. I’m tired of watchin’ ya destroy ya life. You’re better than dat.” “This isn’t ’bout life. This is about Kaz and everyone else.” “If by everyone else, you mean Nick.” My face heats up at the mention of Nick. I shouldn’t be attracted to a married man. I know the consequences of wanting a married man. Besides the obvious, he’s a teacher and I’m only fifteen, being attracted to him will only derail my progress with Kaz. What I don’t understand is why Brad cares so much. He’s been getting on to me nonstop about older guys. Women are allowed to be attracted to older guys. Where is it written that is some taboo thing? I know I can’t do anything, not that I want to. I’m not ready for that. But there is nothing wrong with being friends. I want friends. I need friends. And they give me that. “There’s something ’bout ya that makes a good guy give into temptation.” ![]()
Psychological Thriller
Date Published: October 28, 2016
Publisher: Harvard Square Editions
Grey and his co-workers find themselves in dangerous situations every day at work. Their social services jobs require them to confront irate parents who are on drugs or who are mentally unbalanced. Grey is a long-time social worker, one who is not afraid to snatch newborn babies from glazed-eyed mothers or grab abused children out of classrooms, to place them in foster care. But something happens to Grey, something he cannot put into words as he struggles to cope.
When a new co-worker enters the department, she secretly strategizes ways to force Grey out of his job. He senses her ploy and his stress intensifies. He grows increasingly head-strong and defiant, but he fails to stop her from delivering the final crush in an unexpected, malevolent manner
To challenge his co-worker, Grey must find his inner truth and his co-worker’s "Achilles Heel" in order to rise up to conquer her. One of them must be transformed or destroyed
The Hospital
GREY STOOD QUIETLY next to the hospital bed. “Mrs. Jaspers, your baby has tested positive for cocaine.” Grey knew from experience that talking in a low voice helped hold back the negative emotions of a child’s removal, before anger and defiance from parents swept around him like a dangerous tempest. Mrs. Jaspers, a nineteen-year-old woman recently out of high school, glared at Grey. Her eyes grew larger in her upturned face, framed by tangled, matted purple hair. She wore an apologetic nose ring that swept to one side of her flared nostril and vibrated with each panicked inhalation she drew in.
“I repeat, Mrs. Jaspers, your baby has tested positive. I am from the Department of Social Services. I am here to take your baby to a safe environment.”
Mrs. Jaspers bolted upright in her bed. She grabbed onto Grey with a gritty desperation to stop him from removing her baby. “My baby ain’t on cocaine. How dare you say my baby is on drugs? I didn’t give no drugs to my baby. You cannot take my baby girl. We are waiting for her daddy to come see her. We are going to name her today. I need my baby to stay with me, because like I just told you, we’re waiting for her daddy to come see her.”
The daddy, a twenty-one-year-old unemployed construction worker who married her when she tested positive for pregnancy, prowled the streets looking for cocaine after a three-day drinking binge. Grey unclasped the mother’s hands and moved towards the door.
Mrs. Jaspers jumped up, pulling out her intravenous tube, causing blood to spurt out of her arm. She howled loudly. Grey called in a police officer who waited tentatively in the corridor. The police officer’s presence did not deter the fiery mother from running around her hospital room in frantic leaps. The sickening odor of fresh blood permeated the room. Her hospital gown flew open, displaying the naked form of a young woman new to adulthood. Her tattoos, splayed across her torso, looked like colorful orbs of paint, embroidered flesh.
About the Author
Shelby Londyn-Heath has been a world-traveler, crossing the Sahara Desert on the back of a salt truck, working on banana plantations in Spain, an oil company in New York, and on coffee farms in Hawaii. She has jumped freight trains across the United States, and she was the proud owner of a beachfront bamboo hut on the Canary Islands. She has worked as a counselor, social worker, and teacher
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February 2023