Date Published: February 2018
Publisher: Toplink Publishing
Creole Moon Book of Roots by S T Holmes is a fantasy fiction set in the early 1900s. Mamuska, the voodoo priest, needs to return to his home in the Louisiana swamp to renew his strength and vigor, but Ayida, serpent goddess and mother of the demi gods, forbids him to take his wife, Ophelia. They argue until Ayida becomes angry and conjures a storm as a warning to Mamuska, but he doesn’t heed the warning and slips his wife out of their cosmic home and back into the swamp.
It is Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the year of the Luperci festival, a time for forgiveness in the magic world and correcting wrong doings from magic to right. Unite with our hero, George Genois, from Creole Moon The Betrayal, as he finds his way back into the city at just the right time. He is befriended by a witch named Sephora who gives him shelter and protection, and in return is looking for help from the Luxican, George’s alter being in her quest for the source of all magic. He reluctantly agrees to help her as long as it doesn’t interfere with his plans of revenge and setting things right again, but unknown to him, she is in a battle with her goddess sister who wants to find the coveted Book of Roots first.
The treasure hunt ended in the swamp at the hut of the voodoo priest and priestess. Ophelia had control of a portion of the book of roots but she had no idea of its value as a whole. She only wanted to keep it away from everyone including her husband, Mamuska. As hard as the others tried to resurrect the book, Ophelia was working equally as hard to keep it hidden, but her powers were no match for the Luxican. Finally, the Luxican was able to succeed in breaking through the magical portal and the precious book dropped to earth next to the heads of the Luxican and Sephora. Before the purification ceremony could take place, the witch’s sister intervened and a fight broke out between them. This is sibling rivalry at its finest as the sisters fight to win control of the book, but only one will prevail.
George is pulled into the middle of a turbulent battle that draws him deeper into the realm of magic with exceptionally powerful wizards and high priests as allies fighting against dark spirits and other forces of good and evil. The pagan purification ceremony begins but is fraught with a number of interruptions from Drumangos, dark spirits from the tombs to Sephora’s royal family. It is not until the end of the ceremony that the Luxican realizes he is the key to finding the book of roots and saving the world of magic and all of it must be done before Mardi Gras day ends and the last toll of the midnight cathedral bell is sounded.
This Mardi Gras festival is like non ever seen before or will ever see again in the future.
Other Books in the Creole Moon Series:
Creole Moon: The Betrayal
Publisher: Xulon Press
Published: September 2015
Sgt. George Francis Genois is an officer in the Confederate army. He returns to his hometown in Louisiana to celebrate the wedding of his twin brother Gerald. Mystical events throw him in the path of Jewella Du Viller, a fiery rebellious young woman standing at the river bank stirring the slaves to fight for their freedom. George whisks the woman away from perceived danger and escorts her to her carriage. He discovers later that she is the sister of a childhood friend. He falls madly in love with her and proposes marriage. Before the wedding can take place, she is arrested for treason. George is forced to abandon his military aspirations in order to save the woman he loves. He seeks the aid of a sorcerer, Mamuska and his wife Ophelia. Under a creole moon, the fates of George and Jewella as well as Mamuska and Ophelia are sealed.
Chapter 1
A Small Corner of Mt. Olympus
It was a picture perfect day in the eastern corner of Mount Olympus. Giant white clouds lazily drifted pass each other flashing peeks of a brilliant blue sky in between each cloud puff. The sun’s rays provided welcomed warmth to the residents from the previous night’s chill. It was otherwise, a beautiful, serene day in the region of the demi gods, with the exception of a heated conversation that ensued between Ayida, goddess of the demi gods and mother of the great serpent god Dumballah, and Mamuska, the voodoo high priest of the swamp. Mamuska always went to Ayida for guidance. Usually, she was supportive of his activities, but this time she was angry with him and argumentative. Nothing he could say would improve her disposition.
“You can’t take her back to the ssswamp with you.” Ayida hissed. Her serpent traits were more pronounced when she was upset, and right now, she was not happy with a number of issues in the demi god’s world. Mamuska’s insistence of taking Ophelia with him was adding to her discontent.
“Ophelia isss uncontrollable, essspecially in the mortal world. You promissssed me you would control her and you have not fulfilled that promissse,” Ayida replied.
“I-I know,” Mamuska said, “I really have tried to rein her in, but she has ways of making me do what she wants.” He held his head down and shook it from side to side.
“If allowed to accompany you, ssshe will only bring more unwanted attention to usss. We can’t have that. All of the magical creaturesss are under a watchful eye right now. Thisss isss too sssignificant of a year for the magic world. We ssshouldn’t have to deal with her ssshenanigansss, too. Ssshe mussst ssstay here.” Ayida said softer now but still forceful enough to get her point across, but Mamuska was determined to sway her to his way of thinking. Without much thought or concern for his own safety, he continued.
“You know I have to go back. Look at me. I am weak and I need to be rejuvenated. Only Dumballah and his wife Aeida Weido can make the exchange when I am in this depleted condition. Ophelia can help speed up the process if they don’t want to spend too much time down there among the humans. We won’t have to be there for very long. Once the transfer takes place, we will return here, to our celestial home where you can keep an eye on her.”
Before Ayida spoke again, dark clouds lined overhead, a crack of lightening flashed through the sky and low sounds of thunder rumbled through the air. Her long, silky white hair flew out and around her head and face with the rhythm of the wind. The sky-blue eyes that once looked at him in admiration were now turned into dark, black pools of fury. Mamuska knew he had pushed too hard and had angered her beyond control. He decided to remain silent before she unleashed her full power on him. When she finally spoke, the cloud that was her home began to dissipate.
“YOU are allowed to return to the mortal world, but your wife, Ophelia, must remain here with usss. No further discussion and NO negotiation. I am unyielding on this point.”
The words were said with such force and vileness that even Mamuska began to shake a little. Ayida flew away from him before she did something she would regret later. She had always liked Mamuska, but he was weak when it came to THAT woman, and it disgusted her. It would take some time but she would reveal her true self to him and when she did, he would be free of her forever.
About the Author
S. T. Holmes was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and began creative writing in high school. She has a master’s in Business Management from St. Edward’s University of Austin, Texas, a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Biology from universities in North Carolina. She is currently working as a chief financial officer in Texas but finds time to indulge in her passion for writing. She says that writing provides a creative outlet and stress relief for her. To share your comments or ask questions about her books, you may write to Suzon via e-mail at [email protected] Creole Moon The Betrayal published October 1, 2015 by Xulon Publishing.
Under the name of Suzon Tropez, she has published: Dynamite Resume Your Calling Card to Success – August 17, 2011 - Dorrance Publisher and High Waters – October 24, 2005 – Publish America.
Visit her social media pages at Facebook, Tweeter, Tumblr and website, www.stholmes.com.
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Book Title: Ralphie, Always Loved by Andrea Yerramilli Illustrated by: Samantha Van Riet Category: Children's Fiction, 32 pages Genre: Children's Picture Book Publisher: About Something Good, LLC Release date: October 28, 2017 Tour dates: April 9 to May 4, 2018 Content Rating: G Book Description: This is the story of the life, love, and adventures of a beloved family dog, and how he delighted and touched his family and everyone he met. Ralphie was born with a heart on his belly. He loves food, his family, his friends, his neighbors. He loves pretty much everything and everyone. And they love him back. And that's how it is all through his life. Read the book and fall in love with him too. Rambunctious and hyperactive, Ralphie had already been returned to the animal shelter three times, but when Andrea and her husband adopted him and gave him a loving home where he was understood, accepted, and taught, he learned fast. As Ralphie's human family grew, so did his capacity for love and the ways he could express it. He remained a loving and beloved family member who touched the hearts of the whole neighborhood until he was ready to say goodbye at the grand-old age of sixteen. Ralphie, Always Loved will remind you of all that is good, and reaffirm your belief in love's power to uplift and transform.
Follow the tour by visiting Andrea Yerramilli's page on iRead Book Tours.
Andrea has always been an avid reader and that jumpstarted her imagination at a very early age. In fact she escaped to the Land of Make Believe more often than her mother liked. She is a former marketing professional who is a mom to kids both with and without fur. Andrea says that it helps to have one foot planted firmly in reality while the other is foot loose and fancy-free in Imagination Land. She enjoys the best of both worlds. In 2013, Andrea and her husband started About Something Good (ASG) as a vehicle to curate, inspire and share goodness in the world. In a world where negative images flood the media, and words like “hate” get tossed around so easily, Andrea felt she needed a space that encouraged and focused on the words like “love” and the beauty that is life. Andrea is committed to finding the good in everything and believes: that a sense of belonging to someone's heart is what makes us feel complete, that kindness goes a long way, and that keeping your mind and heart open can help when things happen that you don't understand. Andrea lives in New Jersey with her husband and children. Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram
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Ends May 12, 2018
Ralphie, Always Loved Guest Post
Designer Dogs and Rescue Dogs by Andrea Yerramilli Long before designer dogs and hybrid dogs were all the rage and people were putting down a hefty chunk of change to get one, rescue centers and shelters across the country were offering just that. They were known as the less-than-desirable mixed breeds—looked down upon, far too often pining away in shelters unless they were rescued and taken to a loving home. My children’s picture book Ralphie, Always Loved is a story of one such mixed-breed pup, whom no one seemed to want till he finally found a home and a family who would keep him and love him forever and always. These days people are seeking out mixed breeds, but seemingly only specific mixes: hypoallergenic dogs like labradoodles and goldendoodles. But I know amazing rescue dogs who are Labrador and poodle mixes, golden retriever and poodle mixes, bichon frise and poodle mixes, Maltese and poodle mixes, Yorkie and poodle mixes, known as the above-mentioned labradoodles, goldendoodles, bichonpoos, maltepoos, and yorkiepoos. Why would the dogs be called one name in a shelter and another name outside it? All of these are hypoallergenic dogs, fabulous for people with allergies or who want dogs that don’t shed. I know it’s harder to wait when you absolutely want a dog now, but try calling around to a few shelters within a reasonable driving distance. Explain to them your limitations, challenges, and allergies, and your commitment to having a wonderful new family member. They can recommend the kind of dog that will fit your lifestyle and needs, and can work with you and help you find your pup. They want you and your pup to be a success story too. Shelters and rescue organizations have connections and a network they can call on—especially today, with social media. And the next time one of the kind of pup you’re looking for crosses their threshold . . . boom, you will find your best friend, and you will give a loving home to a dog who would otherwise not have had a chance. And if you don’t need a hypoallergenic dog and you don’t mind a little shedding, the world is your oyster. I’m on my third ‘designer’ dog. I’ve had Skipper, a spanicollie (spaniel and border collie); Ralphie, a terridor (terrier and Labrador retriever), who was the sweetest most lovable little bug ever; and now Lennon, a labradollie (Labrador retriever and border collie). She is beautiful even if I say so myself. All of them were rescues. The funny thing is that if you want a purebred dog—and there’s nothing wrong with that—you can find one of those at your local shelter too. So next time you’re thinking about adding a furry member to your pack, call up the shelter down the street. Don’t look only at breeders, and definitely don’t support a puppy mill! And please, spay or neuter your dog! Spayed or neutered dogs live longer, and mixed breeds live longer. And that’s important, because once they are part of your life, you will want them to live forever! Here are some awesome rescues organizations that I love and support: The Rescued Dog https://therescueddog.org/ Animal Rescue Force Inc. (where we got Skipper and Ralphie) http://www.animalrescueforceinc.com/ Helen Woodward Animal Center (where we got Lennon) https://animalcenter.org/ St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center https://www.sthuberts.org/ ![]()
Date Published: January 2018
Evocative, deceptively straightforward and wry poetry that delivers a shock to the system.
Poet Mark S. Osaki covers a number of poignant topics in Best Evidence. Each poem in the four sections gives you a glimpse of a formative moment in Osaki’s life or expands your viewpoint on conflicts in the world. Some poems, like the powerful “Chinese Camp, California,” speak of a larger cultural experience and the nuances of navigating identity as an Asian American. Others still, like “Gun Song,” show the psychological and cultural impact of war. In each new work, Osaki captures powerful moments of longing and loss.
Praise for Best Evidence:
“Mark Osaki has shown himself to be one of the best poets of his generation.” - David Rains Wallace, Author, The Klamath Knot: Explorations of Myth and Evolution
“I have found the poetic voices of Asian Americans to be among the strongest and most original in contemporary English literature. Among those writers, none impress me more than does Mark Osaki.” - Joseph Bruchac, The Greenfield Review Press
“Mark Osaki belongs to no school, follows no master, and has stayed on the far margin of the business part of poetry. His spare style is a vehicle for an outsider’s view of our world. His poetic toughness is not for those who regard poetry as comfort. He is paring his experiences closer to a powerful reporting, as only poetry can report.” - Leonard Nathan
Mark S Osaki undertakes to illuminate the difficulty of establishing one's home in a nation not one's own. These often soulful poems speak to us as members of families, as lovers, as travelers, journeys a reader is rewarded for taking. - Carole L. Glickfeld, Author, Swimming Toward the Ocean.
“Mark Osaki brings a rich poetic voice to his collection of poems in his recent book "Best Evidence". He captures past and present moments, expressing hope through pain and personal loss. His work is subtle in nuances, yet possesses a keen clarity of vision and ultimately celebrates life itself.” - Elizabeth Hack, Artist and Editor, San Francisco Peace and Hope
About the Author
Mark S. Osaki was born in Sacramento, California. He attended the University of California, Berkeley as an Alumni Scholar and went on to do graduate work in International Relations and Security Studies.
His work has appeared in various journals and anthologies, including: The Georgia Review, Carrying the Darkness—The Poetry of the Vietnam War (Avon, Texas Tech University Press), South Carolina Review, Men of Our Time—An Anthology of Male Poetry in Contemporary America (University of Georgia Press), Breaking Silence—An Anthology of Contemporary Asian American Poets (Greenfield Review Press), Onset Review and Báo Gi?y—Vietnamese Poetry.
Mark has received awards for his poetry from the Academy of American Poets, University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco Arts Commission, Seattle Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.
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Crime Mystery
Date Published: January 2017
A Joey Mancuso, Father O'Brian Crime Mystery, Book One
Can a priest, his brother, and the brother's girlfriend solve a murder case and see justice done—or will they be the murderer's latest victim?
A Murder on Wall Street takes us inside the world of Captain O'Brian's Irish Pub and Cigar Bar in Manhattan, a legendary hotspot in the Financial District. Investigating the death are pub owners Joey Mancuso, fired from the NYPD for his unorthodox methods, and his brother Father Dominic, who isn't your typical priest. Also investigating is Marcy Martinez, a Cuban bombshell and FBI agent who's Joey's girlfriend. When a customer kills himself after celebrating the night before, the three know something's wrong. Turns out, the customer's death coincides with people losing money, and lots of it—and some of those people are very, very dangerous.
The apparent suicide of a hedge fund executive and the hit and run accident of his assistant leads Mancuso, Father O'Brian, and FBI Special Agent Martinez into the underworld of Wall Street. Money laundering, insider trading, and a Ponzi scheme are but a few of the crimes they uncovered, as they try and piece together this crime-ridden puzzle.
Joey Mancuso spent sixteen years in the NYPD earning his First Grade Detective shield and becoming one of the most successful homicide detectives. His last case, the murder of a homeless person in an alley behind the famed 21 Club, went unsolved. Political pressure undermined the case, as Joey's efforts led him to a congressional candidate and a Wall Street major donor with political juice. His efforts to continue the investigation in spite of the pushback caused his forced retirement from the NYPD. The Internal Affairs Division has sealed his file warning him to cease or else.
Now a half-owner, with his half-brother, Catholic priest, Father Mancuso, of an Irish pub, he continues his quest to solve crimes. Both are private investigators and together with Joey's girlfriend, FBI agent Marcy, set out to bring to justice perpetrators of crimes, law enforcement is ignoring.
Fast-paced, suspenseful and thrilling, A Murder on Wall Street is one case you'll want to solve yourself. But the ending is unexpected, as the puzzle finally comes together in this page-turner you won't want to put down.
Other books in the Joey Mancuso, Father O'Brian Crime Mystery Series:
A Murder on Long Island
A Joey Mancuso Father O'Brian Crime Mystery, Book Two
The Manhattan Red Ribbon Killer
A Joey Mancuso - Father O'Brian Crime Mystery, Book 3
The Case of the Antiquities Collector
A Joey Mancuso, Father O'Brian Crime Mystery, Book Four
About the Author
Award winning author Owen Parr was born in Havana, Cuba, and later growing up in Miami. He enjoys reading fiction to transport himself to another world. And in his writing, he does that for his readers in a very successful way. His readers are fully wrapped in the plots and have fallen in love with his amazing characters. Published author of articles in trade magazines. Hobby painter of acrylics on canvas and middle of the road golfer, Owen spends his day still employed in the financial advice industry. Married at the age of nineteen he pursued a career in electrical engineering until boredom set in. From there he went to own and operate his own multi-branch real estate firm and licensing school. Since 1986 he has been employed in the financial advice industry. During this time, he has written articles for the local paper, blogs and screenplays that he is now converting into fictional novels.
Parr won the Solo Medalist Winner New Apple Literary Services for "Mystery" in 2017 for his A MURDER ON WALL STREET. This follows his 2016 Solo Medalist Award with “Operation Raven -The Dead Have Secrets" in the same category, and the IACM "Best Crime Author-Gold" also in 2016.
Readers have compared Owen's novels to classics from Robert Ludlum and Michaels Connelly. One reader wrote: "If Ludlum and Connelly wrote a novel together, it would be an Owen Parr novel."
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Women’s Fiction
Date Published: April 2018
Publisher: Dryads Green Associates, Inc.
Jillian Warner journeys to the heart of today's art world, to learn how much true love is left in it. She soon discovers that there are as many fake people as forged paintings. Jillian lands a job as an American art specialist at Lyon's, a major New York City auction house. She wins a tough fight against sexism in the workplace, only to be defeated in her personal relationships by the doubtful provenance of the men she loves. She prefers Wyeth to Warhol, but is challenged by men who want to see her only as an abstract expression rather than the real woman she is. Then Tom Linde, a surgeon who worked with her mother at a voluntary medical mission in Afghanistan, returns having lost an arm to a land mine blast. Can they defeat a talented art forger with designs on Jillian?
About the Author
TL Ashton writes books for smart sexy women. They know that smart is sexy because love lives in the brain, where we experience ultimate union. These women have been to college and now face the paramount challenge of the work place. They want their vision and talent to be recognized because the self-respect that comes with success leads to genuine love that wants to realize our fullest potential. They learn that they matter, and because they do, they can overcome male fear of just who they are. Ashton started in New York City and expects to end there, but has lived in Los Angeles, Manilla, Djakarta, Paris, London, and for long stretches in the Turks and Caicos. After attending four other schools, Ashton was granted a degree by Columbia University and spent several years telling people how good Keats and Shelley truly are. But Ashton left Lotus Land because the challenges needed for personal growth were missing, and took a publishing job in New York. That in turn led to an invitation from the CEO of a major Wall Street firm to head up strategic communications. That experience was captured in a superb debut novel, "Ms. Money," which women in finance have enjoyed. Having invested in American art, Ashton left Wall Street to head up an art gallery, leading to the very recent publication of a second novel, "The Madonna Model." Not chick lit or women’s fiction, these are books about female empowerment. Ashton is currently reading the auction catalogue for the estate of Zsa Zsa Gabor, who was married nine times and insisted, “I want to choose the man. I do not permit men to choose me.”
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Contemporary Romance (with erotica)
Published Date: April 3, 2018
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
My job is everything to me, and climbing the corporate ladder is my one and only goal. Now that I’ve landed an important account for a popular dude ranch, I’m more determined than ever. There’s just one problem I didn’t count on…Mitch Johnson, the tall, hot-tempered, brown-eyed cowboy with the potential to bring my career crashing down around me. He’s a distraction I can’t afford—and a temptation I can’t ignore. But the real kicker? He also happens to be the ranch owner’s son, which means I’m about to saddle up more problems than I can handle.
About the Author
Dakota Star likes worn-in cowboy boots, a well-trained horse, a cold beverage, and trails to ride in the woods. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two daughters. Both her daughters have finished college and moved away so her dogs, cats, and retired horse now keep her busy. When not outside hiking or horseback riding, she loves to read and travel.
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Book Title: All the Way to Italy: A modern tale of homecoming through generations past Author: Flavia Brunetti Category: Adult Fiction, 222 pages Genre: Women's Fiction (can fit into YA Fiction as well) Publisher: Ali Ribelli Edizioni Release date: April 21, 2018 Tour dates: April 23 to May 18, 2018 Content Rating: PG for the occasional use of "for God's sake" and a few religious references (though very mild). No violence, no swear words, and no sex scenes. Book Description: Until her dad died, Little considered herself a Californian. Now, thanks to half a letter, a symbol she can’t quite remember, and writer’s block, she finds herself back in Italy, the country of her birth. In a headlong rush to return to her beloved San Francisco, Little will journey throughout Italy, hoping to find the answers she needs to move on with her life so she need never look back. She’ll enlist the help of the woman who raised her, Sira, her father’s sister; but Sira has secrets she’s kept for decades, and Little underestimates the power of the country she fled years before. In this powerful story of mixed cultures in a world trying to globalize, one girl’s struggle to leave her home behind will lead her back to the women in her family and the memories each of them has safeguarded through the generations. From war-torn Italy to the belpaese of today, All the Way to Italy is a tale for those in search of a balance between wanderlust and the necessity to come home, a reminder that although we may be fragments, we are never a lost cause.
To follow the tour and read reviews, please visit Flavia Brunetti's page on Italy Book Tours.
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About the Author:
Born just outside of Rome, Flavia Brunetti grew up bouncing back and forth between Italy and California, eventually moving back to the Eternal City and confirming her lifelong commitment to real gelato. Flavia holds a Master of Arts degree in Government and Politics from St. John’s University and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from John Cabot University. Today she travels the world working for an international humanitarian organization and spends her free time writing and wandering around her beloved Roma in constant search of bookstores and the perfect espresso. You can find her city blog on Rome at whichwaytorome.com and her portfolio of published writing at flaviinrome.com. Connect with Flavia: Website ~ Blog on Rome ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram
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Ends May 26, 2018
Cozy Mystery
Date Published: Spring 2018 (will send exact day later)
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
While not usually a big deal, one overlooked email would haunt teacher Gilda Greco. Had she read it, former student Sarah McHenry might still be alive.
Suspecting foul play, Constable Leo Mulligan plays on Gilda’s guilt and persuades her to participate in a séance facilitated by one of Canada’s best-known psychics. Six former students also agree to participate. At first co-operative and willing, the camaraderie is short-lived as old grudges and rivalries emerge. The séance is a bust.
Determined to solve Sarah’s murder, Gilda launches her own investigation and uncovers shocking revelations that could put several lives—including her own—in danger. Can Gilda and the psychic solve this case before the killer strikes again?
About the Author ![]()
In 2008, Joanne Guidoccio retired from a 31-year teaching career and launched a second act that tapped into her creative side. Slowly, a writing practice emerged. Her articles and book reviews were published in newspapers, magazines, and online. When she tried her hand at fiction, she made reinvention a recurring theme in her novels and short stories. A member of Crime Writers of Canada, Sisters in Crime, and Romance Writers of America, Joanne writes cozy mysteries, paranormal romance, and inspirational literature from her home base of Guelph, Ontario.
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![]() ![]() Get it on AMAZON for FREECOMING SOON... Download an extended sample: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/k56b0hnp01![]() ![]() ISAN
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo -- EXCERPT: When the bodyguard with the gun directed the weapon at Roxy, something dangerous ignited in me knowing my team would be next. This foreign existence in my core wanted blood. It wanted death. It wanted destruction. I became a monster. Helix transformed me into a shallow shell to servitude—a perfect model of ISAN assassin. I pulled my gun from the side of my boot and took aim. The bodyguard who had shot Roxy’s team went down first, followed by the others. Don’t look at their faces. Don’t make eye contact. But I did look at their faces, and I did make eye contact. Each guard held my foster father’s cruel face, his steel malevolent eyes. I saw the man who ripped the happiness out of my soul, who towered over me into submission, and molded me into a terrified little girl. For a heartbeat I froze, knees buckling, heart palpitating with trepidation and regret. I became that little girl. A rat, he had called me, and beat me until I stopped crying from missing my mother. No more. No more. I am no longer that petrified girl. Then, one after the other, as hunger for revenge drove me, as if each of the men was him, I shot them until they were all down. ![]()
February 2023