An Unexpected Adventure

An exciting middle grade adventure-with dragons! Taking care of the egg and Steria is a great test of the group's friendship as they navigate a totally unique situation. My favorite character by far was Steria herself, calm and trusting- but playful at heart. Like many middle grade stories, the parents were left out of a lot, however, at least there was an adult involved with Mr. Behr. The tensions rose as Professor Raleigh is constantly on their tails and Steria needed more and more food. As we learned more about Professor Raleigh, it seems that he may not be the villain that everyone thought. I did really like the solution that the group found for Steria at the end, although it doesn't seem like it will last very long. Hopefully the next book will come up with a better solution.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
An Unexpected Escapade

A fun middle-grade fantasy with unicorns! This book takes place soon after An Unexpected Adventure and it is helpful to have read that book beforehand in order to know the importance of Professor Raleigh and Will, but not necessary. I liked Daisy's character and how her confidence and strength grew around the horses as well as Kajri. The friendship between Daisy and Ana was refreshing as well. Even as Ana was facing family issues that Kajri could have easily solved, she knew that her friends were there to support her. Kajri herself was amazing as well, gentle and calming even though she was in a completely different world than what she knew. I do wish there were a few more details about where Kajri came from and her powers. I liked that there was a little more adult involvement in this story, however I didn't get the sudden inclusion of religion. I am glad that there is a happy ending for Kajri and I am still hoping for a similar solution for Steria from the first book!
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
An Unexpected Exploit

In the final book of the Myth Coast Adventures series, a middle grade fantasy adventure, we finally get to see where all of the magnificent creatures came from. I really enjoyed exploring Shinwano with Franklin and learning about how the portals work. My favorite part of the story was when Franklin was training with Ladaku, a sanraksaka, or Sasquatch. Through Ladaku, Franklin learned about the strength within himself`and how to use his bhala. I did notice that the religious undertones that had been set in the previous two books have now come full force as the fight of good versus evil erupts in Shinwano. The excitement and danger was amplified in this installment as Jack Collins is unleashed in a land with creatures that he wants to kill for their body parts. To stop Jack, they use teamwork, creative thinking and their beliefs. I also loved the consequence that Jack has to face at the end. My only complaint was that there were a lot of new Shinwano words introduced all at once and it was difficult for me to keep track of new names for creatures that there are already words for. Overall, a satisfying end to an enchanting trilogy.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.