Wings of a Flying Tiger captured me in the opening scene with Danny's bravery, passion for the cause and immense emotion. I didn't really know about The Flying Tigers and were amazed to learn about these real heroes, a group of American volunteers under of the Chinese Air Force. After that first scene, the perspective is switched to Jasmine for a while. Jasmine is an intelligent young woman who knows what she wants and does it, which is rare for a young woman in China at the time. While I was aware of the Nanking Massacre, the writing of the violence was intense and graphic, however; I'm sure it only conveyed a fraction of the true terror of harrowing reality of those six weeks. I was amazed at the resilience and fortitude of the people who managed to survive. When Danny and Jasmine's stories collide, the danger intensifies but the element of romance is added. They both have an immense amount of respect for each other and the situation that they are in. I was astonished at the collective protection of the town towards Danny and their willingness to do anything to keep him safe for the greater good. The ending is gut wrenching and heartbreaking, showing the true courage of people fighting for their freedom.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.