The Rib King is an intriguing story told in two parts giving a detailed look into the lives of African Americans during this time period. The first half of the story is told from the point of view of August Sitwell, the second from the point of view of Jennie Williams. This style of writing gave way to a slow burn historical fiction story that didn't begin to tie all of the pieces together until the near end. Through both Sitwell and Jennie's narration there is an insightful view into the long term suffering of the African American population and the effects passed down on their psyche and worth. The story goes into detail of white privilege and cultural appropriation used for profit. I could clearly understand Sitwell's rage and pathway to revenge once his whole story was revealed. Jennie's story revealed how someone on a completely different path than Sitwell could still be stalled by the same issues due to a common history. My only complaint was the ending wrapped up rather quickly. I'd love to continue to read The Talented Ribkins to continue the stories of Mac, Bart and Frederick.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.