The Earth Remains is an epic story following the life of Polly Burgiss before, during and after the Civil War. This is a long story, but pulled me in immediately through Polly's strong point of view. Polly's life is not easy and has continuous tragedy, but it does not overshadow the plight of her slaves. Polly's father and overseer, Tom, were kind in their treatment of the slaves and Polly followed suit. This does not mean that any of the slaves' lives were easy and as Polly grows, she comes to recognize that kind treatment does not equal freedom. I was continually amazed at Polly's resilience to bounce back after everything life threw at her. The danger and suspense that John's secrets and actions created were carried throughout the second half of the story and eventually caused Polly to stand up for herself and her slaves. I enjoyed that Ben, Ona, Cissy, Kate were fully developed characters that showed the point of view of slaves and the physical, emotional and mental toll slavery took on them.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.