This is a historical murder mystery set in 18th century London with an educated prostitute for a sleuth. At the beginning I was taken in by the mystery of who could have killed the man in Kitty’s bed while she was there sleeping. Kitty’s detective skills began in earnest as she tried to keep her place in the house. The setting was also done well and I enjoyed being taken to different places within Convent Garden and seeing how things worked at the time. The book is written as Kitty’s memoir in telling the strange tale and its outcome. However, the writing seemed to be a little too detailed, I think that Kitty’s inner monologue got in the way at points and muddled some of the clues and plot points to the point that I forgot what was really going on. Also, while I was truly interested in the mystery at first, it seemed to devolve for me with a few too many twists and turns and Kitty believing one minute that William Westman himself is the murderer and then having sex with him the next. Of course, being a book with a prostitute as the main character, there are several sex scenes, which is fine with me, but might bother some. The conclusion of the whole mess brought a little more excitement back and re-sparked my interest a bit. Overall, for me this one was just ok.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.