The Rose and the Whip is a unique look at a very specific incident. With limited information, the time period is examined thoroughly through Lidia's punishment. I was amazed that the whole story took place within the period of time that it took for Lidia to be whipped. I can't imaging the feeling of being whipped, but the author has managed to recreate the feeling. With each lash of the whip, Lidia recalls how she has come to be tied to the whipping post and those that have suffered before her for their faith. It was intriguing to read about Colonial America and the persecution of those of the Quaker faith by a group of people that left their homes due to religious persecution. Through Lidia the bravery and fortitude of all those who chose to defy the church are highlighted. I do wish the writing had stayed firmly in from Lidia's point of view instead of jumping to tell the reader what is unknown. Overall, a deeply moving story of courage and bravery in Colonial Massachusetts.