River Rising

River Rising is an epic time travel adventure. This is a story you will want to take your time with and sink into. From the moment the five siblings walk through the time portal and into 1880's Pennsylvania, I knew I was in for an exciting ride. Amazingly, all five siblings: Adam, Greg, Natalie, Cody and Caitlin are very well developed and individual characters. They each take turns at telling their part of the story through their point of view while continuing a cohesive story line. Pennsylvania 1888-89 was a wonderful year to travel back to; much like the Carson siblings I was amazed at the time period where Benjamin Harrison had just been elected President, Mark Twain was in his prime, the West was still wild and Punxsutawney Phil has made his first appearance. Through the sibling's eyes, I was able to see many of these events first hand. Unlike the characters in Heldt's other time travel series, the Carson siblings did not travel through time thinking about the possibility of altered timelines. I am very interested in how their very involved actions in 1888 may have altered things in the present. I am also very interested in how the time portals work; it is know that they appear on solstices and seem to appear in areas that are known to be sacred or have paranormal activity. I would love to figure out more about them and where else they seem to pop up. Near the end of the Carson sibling's grand adventure, the game of cat and mouse that they have been playing with their parents seems to be no closer to the end and the intensity increases when tragedy strikes with Johnstown flood; I had a hard time putting the book down. Ending, with a huge cliffhanger, I can not wait to see what happens with the Carson family next.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
The Memory Tree

An exciting, risk filled, time travel adventure filled with romance, intrigue and history, The Memory Tree picks up right where River Rising, the first book of the Carson Chronicles leaves off. I would definitely recommend reading these books in order since so much happens in River Rising. I was so happy to begin reading about the Carson clan once again in a new time period. I have enjoyed the device used for time travel in the books, a portal that opens only at solstices and equinoxes that will transport you to different times depending on when you walk through. I was able to learn more about the portals in this book along with more information about who uses them. In The Memory Tree, we also delve into the Carson family history by meeting many of the Carson ancestors. I am very anxious to see the results of the future Carson's family presence in the time of the ancestors. This time, it seems to have altered some important events in their family tree. With having the Carson family spread out, I was also able to witness many events that happened in 1918. As World War I came to an end, Natalie witnessed firsthand accounts of injured soldiers returning from the front in France and senseless killings even after the War ended. Adam and Bridget survived a forest fire that ravaged Cloquet, Minnesota. Greg witnessed Tijuana before it was a tourist town and when money was above the law. Most interestingly, Cody and Caitlin were able to reconnect with a friend from 1889 and see the effects of the War on a family that has been left behind. With moments that range from heartbreaking to heartwarming and exciting to mysterious, The Memory Tree is another expertly crafted tale within the Carson Chronicles. I can't wait to continue their adventures into the 1940's.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Indian Paintbrush

The five Carson siblings plus two new sisters-in-law and a new baby have entered a new time period in pursuit of their parents yet again. Now the large group has entered into 1943 Arizona, a dangerous time especially for the three men who are all of age to be drafted. They all quickly find jobs that will help the war effort. Cody drives a supply truck that makes deliveries to an Internment Camp where he befriends a family. Caitlin and Natalie maintain airplanes and meet two aviators. Adam settles down with his wife and child as well as finding a job teaching English to Chinese pilots. Greg along with his new wife are also finding their way in a new time, but with the same old problems that continue to haunt him. With extensive knowledge of the events of World War II, the Carson clan must be extra careful to make sure they are fitting in with their time period.
Exhilarating and endearing, Indian Paintbrush offers an engaging time-travel adventure into 1943 with the Carson siblings. I would highly recommend reading this series in order to get to know all of the characters and motivations. I enjoyed diving right back into the action when the Carson family crossed through the veil into 1943 from 1918. I was excited to learn how they would fit into a time period that they had more knowledge of and how the brides from 1889 and 1918 would do with the continued changes. After two previous time hops, the group is getting better at assimilating to the time period. As with the past two installments, I was impressed at how well immersed into the time period I felt. Between the siblings, the writing explored the Internment Camps and the treatment of the citizens that were held there, the loss of a loved one during Pearl Harbor, the training program to be an aviator and romance during wartime. I was surprised to see how some of the characters from the past time periods were integrated as well as how trouble the Carson's have caused in the past is still affecting them in 1943. Their mission to find and reconnect with their parents is still their mission, however, it seems that the Carson family might be fated to near misses. I can't wait to see how the next time period treats the Carson's.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Caitlin's Song

Caitlin's Song is the fourth book in the Carson Chronicles series. I would very much advise reading this series in its intended order to keep the timelines straight and really get to know the characters. I'm glad that Caitlin finally had a happy story, although it easily could have turned out differently. In each of the Carson's adventures, there has always been a very good sense of the time period the family is in and this is no exception. From the diners, to the cars, fraternities and hairstyles, 1962 is shown in it's glory. The Cuban Missile crisis is the event the the Carson siblings know will cause drama in that year, but they are a little too confident that their actions have not changed anything in the past. It was really interesting to see how things played out when the Carson's were not sure of the future. Caitlin's story was intensely emotional as she processes grief, changing time periods, excitement of starting college and finding love again. I was glad that this story also focused more on the Carson parents and their journey. This time, Tim and Caroline have many difficult choices to make that involve more than just finding their children. It was interesting to see what they did and how it simultaneously affected their children's timeline. With the Carson's next jump in time to 1983, I can't wait to see what awesome adventures unfold for Cody.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Camp Lake

Camp Lake is the fifth and last book in the Carson Chronicles. This heartfelt conclusion to the epic series kept my attention with plenty of surprises for a family that I felt I've gotten to know pretty well over five books. I found myself simultaneously wanting the story not to end as well as desperately wanting the Carson family to finally reunite. The writing keeps the suspense in Camp Lake heightened as the whole family searches for one another knowing that this is the last stop on their time travel journey as well as everyone attempting not to destroy their own timelines. Balanced with the suspense is the wholesome feeling and love that the Carson Clan shares. Despite being in desperate situations, the Carson's always support one another and pull through. I loved the setting of a summer camp in the 1980's. Everything about the experience and setting seemed fitting. This book focuses on Cody, who throughout the series has always formed a deep bond with women in each time period, but hasn't yet found the one. Cody and Karen's relationship seems like it was meant to be, they challenge one another and Karen is empowered, intelligent and strong-willed. While I couldn't wait for the Carson parents and siblings to finally reunite, I was amazed when they finally did. I was very happy with the reunion as well as the send off of the family members when back in their own time.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.