I really enjoyed the plot of this book, about female boxers. Unfortunately, much of the book strayed from this. The book was written from three different points of view, Ruth, Charlotte and Mr. Dreyer’s childhood friend, George. Beginning with Ruth’s point of view, I was immediately captured by Ruth’s spirit, the atmosphere surrounding the brothel and the beginning of her career in boxing. Then, the point of view switches to George, and I felt duped. George’s story of he and his school mates was interesting, but took away from the female perspective and felt far too long. George’s perspective gave background to Charlotte, Dryer, Ruth and Dora’s histories, but did not do much to move the story along. Charlotte’s story was also interesting, but took a while to get to. I feel that I would have liked the book much better if it was cut down to just Ruth and Charlotte’s perspectives. Also, there did not seem to be any main climax point lending to a weak story arc, I kept waiting for something significant to happen, but it didn’t.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.