A fast-paced, action filled adventure in the Wild West with a wonderful heroine. Misfortune Annie’s bravery and determination leap off the page from the first scene. She uses quick wits, intelligence and a little bit of luck to get out of sticky situations. I do wish that we got to know a little more of her past and backstory, there is definitely a mystery there that the Secret Service director begins to hint at, but in such a short story, we don’t get into anything like that. Also, I was definitely interested in the Locomotive Reaper himself, much like Annie was and I wanted to dig a little deeper into his character. A flying man in a huge suit added a little element of Steampunk to the mix, but it wasn’t out of place at all. With a fifteen year old heroine, this is an appropriate read for young adults, but has plenty of elements to keep adults interested as well.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.