Three Shades is an epic fantasy set in the world of Illirium. This is the second book set in this world, but it is not necessary to read them in a certain order. I was immediately transported to Illirium from the first chapter. Told in three sections, from the points of view of Ashe, Raez and Thian, the story first dives into Ashe's point of view. I enjoyed Ashe's character, hardened from her experiences, but caring, realistic and a fighter. The relationship between Ashe and Lufet was also wonderful. Raez' point of view helps to fill in information about the Erog race and their quest. I was really interested in their social structure and community. I also liked seeing Raez and Ashe's partnership develop from both of their points of view. Thian's point of view shed light on the Seorans and the importance of Ashe, Raez and Thian working together. It seems that their journey might be just beginning.