Indiana Belle (American Journey #3)

Time travel and time travel romance can be incredibly tricky, but I loved reading another of John Heldt’s books and Indiana Belle did not disappoint. First, there is a very creative mode of time travel with a crystal system, a code and a specially built room. This time, Cameron was transported back to a time period he loved and studied, which helped him blend in almost seamlessly. All aspects of the 20’s were brought to life during Cameron’s visit-the good and the bad: the ease of the era, the Jazz, women gaining ground with their rights, Prohibition, bootlegging, speakeasies, and the prominence of the Ku Klux Klan. I felt like the true feeling of the era was revealed, which was wonderful to read and what Cameron’s character really wanted to experience. Now, one of the issues with time travel is that you cannot change the past or you will disrupt the present; Cameron went back in time fully intent on changing Candice’s path and preventing her murder. The suspense of knowing what Cameron wanted to do and its potential impact gripped me throughout the book. I love how everything tied up, with some things changed and some things not. The glimpse into the future was pretty insightful also. Overall, a creative, imaginative and well-constructive time travel romance; I will definitely be checking out the rest of the series.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Class of '59 (American Journey #4)

Having read a previous book in the American Journey series, I was ready for a unique, fast-paced time travel experience that would completely immerse me in 1959-and that is exactly what I got. The action started immediately as Mark decided just to dive right in and try out the time travel passage after finding a letter penned by Percival Bell. I was really surprised about his tenacity and spontaneity with traveling through time; however, Mark did use his brain and tried out a few short trips to figure out just how everything worked. The immediate pairing of Mark and Mary Beth and Ben and Piper is quite obvious, but awfully cute as the girls are treated to the world of dating in the ‘50s and the boys are treated to independent women of 2017. I enjoyed reading about 1950’s California, Las Vegas and Piper’s high school experience: the friendships, the cars and the dances were amazing. There is a little bit of tension brought into the story through a sports book that Mary Beth brought from 2017, there are hints that this will cause trouble later, but it completely changes what I thought would happen. I am always amazed at how everything can be wrapped up without too much change to the past or present, and it seems that Mark, Marybeth, Piper and Ben all got what they wanted but in a different way than they thought. I did want to know what happened to some of the friends that everyone had in 1959, especially because they would still be alive in 2017. Overall, an enjoyable time travel romance with a bit of drama and a lot of heart.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Hannah's Moon (American Journey #5)

This is the fifth installment of the American Journey series and was a little different than the previous time travel romances I've read in the series. The love in Hannah's moon was very much focused on family life making Hannah's Moon a balance between heartwarming and dramatic. I was very happy to see that the plot pivoted on adoption; although, as a mother, the first chapter broke me a bit and I had to put the book down for a while. After that though, I was transported back to 1945. John A. Heldt always done a wonderful job of conveying the time period through the eyes of his time travelers. This time, with the help of their neighbor, Margaret, the Rasmussen's are given a full southern welcome. I absolutely loved the adoption of Hannah and Margaret's childhood story helped to solidify their decision. Being set at the end of WWII, I was not expecting to learn much about the actual war, although, with Ron's enlistment I was very intrigued to learn about the USS Indianapolis and the what happened to the Navy members aboard the ship. The ending of Hannah's Moon is bittersweet, I got to revisit all of time travellers from past novels as the Bell's revealed a secret.
This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.