Snakes of St. Augustine is a heartfelt, emotional novel of companionship, friendship, family and mental health. With depth and focus, each of the characters is fully formed with insight into their thoughts and actions. Chapters alternating between their points of view of Gethin, Rocky, Serena, Jazz, Fletch and Trina make the story move quickly and deepen the mystery. I enjoyed the insight into everyone's innermost thoughts and could easily empathize with the different views. None of the characters were perfect, but were all trying their best. Serena feels obligated to be a caretaker to Gethin, Gethin's love for snakes overcomes his common sense, Rocky is doing her best to overcome a series of unfortunate events, Jazz doesn't want to be like his mother, but is resisting the treatment he needs and Fletch is just trying to get to retirement. As their stories collide, their conditions and past experiences create an explosive situation as well as new paths forward.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.