These moms share fails from everyday to epic. From story to story, I went from knowing the exact feeling because I've been there to laughing my butt off simply because I'm not there yet. These 24 short stories will resonate with any mom, caregiver and will prepare any mom-to-be for the inevitable foibles in motherhood. Some of my favorites dealt with pooptastrophies, swearing children, trying to have intimate time with your husband and the days that are just plain disastrous. Two stories that I will highlight are "What's That Smell?" and "Battery Operated." These had me dying of laughter. "What's That Smell" tackles not only the hazards of flying with children but what happens when they poop in an enclosed space, I couldn't imagine having to live this situation and coming out unphased. "Battery Operated" is the life lesson of revenge for gifting annoying toys and will probably be something heading my way at some point in the future. Overall, a perfect anthology for any mom, especially if you think you aren't doing enough or constantly failing, we feel you, just read a story and drink some mommy juice.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.