Private Pursuits is a is a domestic melodrama that will keep you guessing. The writing focuses heavily on the characters and moves quickly but sort of clunky through the many points of view. It seemed the most time was given to Macey Burris and very little to the others even though Fernie is a driving force near the end. Also, why does nobody in this book have a regular name except for Emma? Bane, Kettie, Dolsen, Fernie- all in one place at a time? Anyway, with a look into each of these characters intimate moments, a suspense and intrigue was created. I had a feeling that something big was going to happen in order to bind everyone together; however that never really happened. There were several bigger moments that could have accomplished this, but just sort of petered out. Overall, an interesting look into people's private lives that didn't quite hit the right notes for me.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.