Jim Kennoway is forced to re-examine his life in this poignant story that weaves together Jim's experience in World War II and his love of ornithology. Thirty years after the war has ended Jim has found himself at an impasse- his leg amputated above the knee, he is no longer able to do the things he loves and ostracizes himself to his family summer home in Maine. His only wish is to be left alone, but the arrival of a letter notifying him of a summer guest leaves him with anything but his wish. Jim is notified that the daughter of the young man who helped him sustain the war in the Solomon islands will be staying with him until she starts medical school at Yale. With the arrival of this guest, Jim is forced to remember things he would rather not.
A sweeping story that will grab you either through the heartfelt and personal characters, rich history or natural history of the birds. I especially enjoyed all of the information about the birds. I really didn't know where Jim's story was going, but I went with the story to get there. Told through three time periods, we piece together Jim's life to understand where he is now. Jim's present life in 1970, Jim's time in the Solomon Islands in 1943 and Jim's childhood in 1917 slowly reveal clues to foreshadow Jim's actions.
This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.