Campfire Confessions is a heartwarming story of friendship and overcoming obstacles. Each of the women has a unique, yet timeless story of believing that they are not enough for those around them. Annie is overwhelmed, completely exhausted by her day to day life of giving herself away and becoming a martyr to what she believes her duties are all while her husband and kids continue to expect and ask more of her. I'm surprised she didn't collapse sooner. Sondra is a strong woman who is asking her husband for exactly what she wants and is still able to be manipulated by her own insecurities. Jo is fighting her demons and still believes she is not good enough for her husband. The camping trip was fun, comical and life changing. I loved that they were able to work through some things within the safety and comfort of one another. These women's stories are a reminder that nobody is perfect, everybody needs help sometimes and communication is key in relationships. While none of their problems were fully solved in the end, the women were able to tackle the mental load and embrace their issues in order to begin moving on.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.