I'm joining the 2020 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge!
Last year, I read a whopping 65 Historical Fiction books placing me well within the Prehistoric Range. This year I think I'll go for the Ancient History level again.
Check back here for updates and reviews.
Here are the Reading Challenge details:
Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. To participate, you only have to follow the rules:
- Everyone can participate! If you don't have a blog you can post a link to your review if it's posted on Goodreads, Facebook, or Amazon, or you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section if you wish.
- Add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky we’ll be adding to our monthly post (please use the direct URL that will guide us directly to your review)
- Any sub-genre of historical fiction is accepted (Historical Romance, Historical Mystery, Historical Fantasy, Young Adult, History/Non-Fiction, etc.)
20th Century Reader - 2 books
Victorian Reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books
To join the challenge you only need to make a post about it, add your link in Mr. Linky below or just leave a link to your blog if you are not yet ready to post about it yet. If you don't have a blog you can just leave a comment for this post saying that you are joining, and link to your Facebook, Goodreads or other social media page where you will be sharing your reviews.
Join our Facebook Group for the Challenge HERE!
1. Josephine: Singer, Dancer, Soldier, Spy by Eilidh McGinness
2. Salt the Snow by Carrie Callaghan
3. Haskell Himself by Gary Seigel
4. The Second Midnight by Andrew Taylor
5. Dead Ringer by Kat Ross
6. Far Away Bird by Douglas A Burton
7. Camp Lake by John A Heldt
8. Dreamland by Nancy Bilyeau
9. Resistance Women by Jennifer Chiaverini
10. The Thief's Heart by Kathleen Shoop
11. The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant by Kayte Nunn
12. Madame Fiocca by Suzy Henderson
13. The Lost History of Dreams by Kris Waldherr
14. Confessions of a Sheba Queen by Autumn Bardot
15. The German Heiress by Anika Scott
16. They Went Left by Monica Hesse
17. Witch of the Wild Beasts by Catherine Stine
18. Beyond the Ghetto Gates by Michelle Cameron
19. The Socialite by J'Nell Ciesielski
20. A Spy With Scruples by Gary Dickson
21. Wings of a Flying Tiger by Iris Yang
22. The Righteous One by Neil Perry Gordon
23. The Abolitionist's Daughter by Diane C. McPhail
24. The Rose and the Whip by Jae Hodges
25. Of Darkness and Light by Heidi Eljarbo
26. The Little Palace by Jeffrey Erlacher
27. Tales of Ming Courtesans by Alice Poon
28. A Goddess Among Men by Daniel Davidsohn
29. Along Came a Soldier by Brenda Davies
Saving the Music by Vincent LoCoco
Speakeasy by A.M. Dunnewin
The Woman in the Green Dress by Tea Cooper
Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi
Once in a Blood Moon by Dorthea Hubble Bonneau
The Peasant's Dream by Melanie Dickerson
The Invention of Sophie Carter by Samantha Hastings
The Takeaway Men by Meryl Ain
Dawn Empress by Faith L. Justice
Balthazar's Bane by Kat Ross
Folly at the Fair by Kari Bovee
The Girl From Vichy by Andie Newton
The English Wife by Adrienne Chinn
She Wears the Mask by Shelly Stratton