The Last Relicuin by Hargus MontgomeryPublication Date: September 22, 2013
Kerious Pye Series LLC
eBook & Paperback; 526 Pages
Genre: Historical/Mystery
In the 22nd century, part of the world returns to history. Safe inside the guarded borders of live-in museums, museum dwellers live authentic lifestyles from prehistory to the twentieth century. Separate from all modern influences, some dwellers forget that a modern world exists outside the borders.
When the son of a prominent anti-museum Senator marries a museum dweller, the young couple becomes the target of a worldwide struggle between the past and the future.
Crossing borders into the 12th, 18th and 20th centuries, The Last Relicuin unravels a mystery that pursues one family through three different periods of history.
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In the 22nd century the world is very different. Fearing diseases spread by human contact and believing that the outside air is too contaminated to sustain them, the metro population lives far above the ground level surrounded by glass and mostly in a virtual reality. In order to preserve history, the Federal Museum Administration runs authentic living history museums that encompass many periods throughout history. The museum dwellers must give up mainstream life, go through intense training and fully immerse themselves into the time period that they wish to live. Many do not make it through. Metro Senator Steven Kane opposes all museums and wants them shut down believing that they steal children, harbor diseases and are a hub for the drug trade. However, Senator Kane’s son, Alexander has a fascination with the past and when he chooses to enter a 1950’s farmstead museum, Alex sets off a chain of events with lasting impact.
I have always loved visiting living history museums and may have wanted to live there from time to time, so I absolutely could not resist a book that took place within them. However, this book is a whole lot more. There is a struggle as past and future collide, political espionage, family conflict, secrets and mystery and suspense. I was taken in by Alex’s character and his fascination with people who lived outside the glass. Alex struggled with being different, especially under his father’s watchful gaze. When he finally entered the museum school, everything clicked for him. This reminded me of people telling me that I seem better suited for a different time. I loved the authenticity of each of the time periods that were showcased. Alex’s chosen period, with his wife Kat and son Tom was perfect. I could imagine the long, winding driveway, the wooden farmhouse with the barking dogs and the fruit orchard perfectly. Even the speech patterns were on. As the characters travelled to museums in 12th century France and the 17th century Pacific island, I became immersed in each period with them. Overall, The Last Relicuin provided a whole lot more than I could ever ask for. It is wholly unique, not fitting neatly into any genre, fast paced and with wonderfully built worlds and characters. Masterful writing combined with a wholly unique plot has easily made The Last Relicuin one of my favorite books of the year.
This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.

Hargus Montgomery is the author of The Last Relicuin, and The Seventeenth Pocket, part of the Kerious Pye series. For more information, please visit Hargus Montgomery’s website at http://www.hargusmontgomery.com.