A thrilling tale, based on a true story, of one woman’s tremendous courage and incomparable wit in trying to rescue her husband from the Tower of London the night before he is to be executed.
The heroine of A Noble Cunning, Bethan Glentaggart, Countess of Clarencefield, a persecuted Catholic noblewoman, is determined to try every possible means of saving her husband’s life, with the help of a group of devoted women friends.
Amid the turbulence of the 1715 Rebellion against England’s first German king George I, Bethan faces down a mob attack on her home, travels alone from the Scottish Lowlands to London through one of the worst snowstorms in many years, and confronts a cruel king before his court to plead for mercy for her husband Gavin. As a last resort, Bethan and her friends must devise and put in motion a devilishly complex scheme featuring multiple disguises and even the judicious use of poison to try to free Gavin.
Though rich with historical gossip and pageantry, Bethan’s story also demonstrates the damage that politics and religious fanaticism can inflict on the lives of individuals.
Bethan Glentaggart and her husband Gavin live in Scotland in 1716, a dangerous time for Catholics. As they fight to simply practice their religion in peace, a new King takes the throne in England, King George. King George is German and Protestant, many people feel that he is unfit to rule. Gavin takes up the Jacobite cause against King George and is later captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Bethan learns of his imprisonment and makes her way to London in order to fight for her husband's life.
Based on the true story of Winifred Maxwell, A Noble Cunning is the fictionalized version of her feats. The writing captured me in the first chapter as the effects of the religious persecution in the area were shown. I was immediately captured by Bethan's character as she kept her wits about her and refused to be the broken and weak woman that everyone expected her to be. Bethan's love for her family, home and religion shine. The pace of the story picks up after Gavin is captured and Bethan makes her way to London to eventually devise a plan of escape from the Tower of London. I love the thoughtful, long term process that Bethan proposed as well as all of the other women and family that banded together to aid her quest. The ending wrapped up rather quickly and I would have loved to know more details of what happened afterwards.

Native Texan Patricia Bernstein grew up in Dallas. After earning a Degree of Distinction in American Studies from Smith College, she founded her public relations agency in Houston. In 2018, her third book was named a Finalist for the Ramirez Family Award from the Texas Institute of Letters. The Austin American Statesman named the book to a list of 53 of the best books ever written about Texas. Patricia’s nonfiction was previously published by Simon & Schuster and Texas A&M University Press. Patricia lives in Houston with her husband, Alan Bernstein, where she pursues her other great artistic love, singing with Opera in the Heights and other organizations. She also basks in the glory of her three amazing daughters. A Noble Cunning is her debut novel. You can learn more about Patricia and her work at PatriciaBernstein.com.