Title: Paradox Forged in Blood
Author: Mary Frances Fisher
Publisher: Cambron Press
Pages: 300
Genre: Historical Fiction
A murder on Millionaire’s Row.
A killer's chilling words, "Shh. I know where you live.”
A woman tormented by her guilt-ridden past.
A historical murder mystery, Paradox Forged in Blood is set in Cleveland, Ohio, during the late 1930s. Four decades after the murder of socialite Louis Sheridan, the cold case is resurrected with receipt of new evidence that transports detectives back to Nazi Germany. The only living witness, Ellen O’Malley, must confront a haunting secret and her complicit actions.
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- Paradox Forged in Blood is available at Amazon.
Several families are brought together through a meaningless tragedy in Pre-World War II Ohio. In 1939, a young Ellen O’Malley works as nanny for the Sheridan family who lives on Millionaire’s Row. Ellen already carries around the guilt of witnessing the kidnapping of her younger brother when she was a child and not being able to help; now on one fateful night, she witnesses a burglary gone wrong at the Sheridan household where her employer, Louis Sheridan is murdered. Ellen only sees the back of the murderer’s head, but she has a clue as to who he is. Before she is able to tell anyone, the murderer threatens to kill her family if she tells. Now, Ellen has another burden to carry around. Meanwhile, other employees in the Sheridan household also have had a brush-in with the suspected murderer, however, everyone is too afraid to say anything and the murder goes unsolved for decades until they are sure that the danger has passed.
This is a twisty historical murder-mystery that is based on the author’s actual family members. The murder mystery itself is quite suspenseful, several people may know what happened, but all are too afraid to speak. Meanwhile, the police are chasing several suspects that match the murderer’s description that seem to have disappeared. With WWII on the horizon, tensions are heightened and other concerns are put into the forefront. I did get a great sense of Ellen’s character and I felt terrible that the knowledge of the murder weighed on her for all those years. I do wish that the storyline stuck with just the murder mystery and Ellen’s story. I felt sidetracked at points with the disappearance of her baby brother and the resolution and Sadie’s story- the Sheridan’s cook, and the recovery of her long lost twin sister. Somehow, all of these events were pulled together, but I felt it could have been streamlined more. Overall, a surprising murder-mystery that highlights tensions and values of America during World War II.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Book Excerpt:
The Cleveland NorthShore Post
Saturday June 7, 1986 60¢
Cold Case Unit Reopens 1939 Murder of Cleveland Socialite with Receipt of Missing Evidence
Cleveland, Ohio.—Forty-seven years ago on December 23, 1939, socialites Louis and Marianne Sheridan attended a party leaving three people at home: Alice Webber, the housekeeper; Bridget, the Sheridan’s seven-month-old daughter; and Ellen O’Malley, the nanny.
A neighbor [on Millionaire’s Row] heard a loud scream about 9 p.m. and called the police. Cleveland detectives Frank Szabo and Kevin Collins found the Sheridans’ front door open and two bodies lying in a heap just inside the foyer. Although Marianne was alive, her husband had sustained a fatal gunshot wound. …
Two days ago, Cleveland police received a package wrapped in the 1939 newspaper account of the murder. The anonymous submission contained a small handgun covered with a dried substance (believed to be blood), a black mask, and a sheet of paper with the cryptic hand-written message Forgive Me . . .

Mary Frances Fisher, a lifelong resident of Cleveland OH, has spent the majority of her career as a legal nurse consultant and signed with Taxi Modeling and Talent Agency as a commercial print model in 2012. With Germaine Moody and writer contributions from over 100 countries, she co-authored her first published work in 2013, 50 Seeds of Greatness (www.50seedsofgreatness.com).
Her additional writing experiences include several short stories published by Transcendent Publishing: "Earning My Wings" in Touched by an Angel: A Collection of Divinely Inspired Stories and Poems, October 2013; "Mercy's Legacy" in Best of Spiritual Writers Network 2013, December 2013; "Be Careful What You Wish For" in The Best of Spiritual Writers Network 2014, January 2015; and "The Gift" in Finding Our Wings: A Collection of Angelic Stories and Poems, March 2016.
She has written a screenplay based on "Mercy's Legacy" and is working on a Paradox Forged in Blood companion novel, Growing Up O’Malley. Mary Frances lives in a suburb of Cleveland with her family.
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