Publication Date: December 10, 2013
Cedar Pocket Publishing
Formats: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 490
Series: Iceberg Trilogy
Genre: Historical Fiction
Two years after the sinking of the Titanic, fifteen year-old Rebecca Crowe’s fascination with icebergs leads her to save a shipwrecked survivor, Samuel Dalton, the nineteen-year old son of a Toronto medical family.
Love sparks in the crystal cave of an iceberg but is thwarted by an unreasonable father and the Great War that drags Samuel and his brother, Matthew, to the Western Front as medical officers. Knowing Rebecca is home and safe in Newfoundland brings Samuel great comfort. But as the war moves towards its final harrowing days, they both discover that tragedy and terror can strike anywhere, setting their love on an unforeseen path.
Only when Samuel and Rebecca can fully come to terms with such devastating loss and their impossible choices can their love soar. With an emotional intensity reminiscent of The Bronze Horseman, Seldom Come By, named after an actual place in Newfoundland, is an unforgettable journey across waves and time and the full spectrum of human emotions.
Rebecca Crowe and her family live in a small town in Newfoundland. Rebecca loves to watch the icebergs float by on the ocean. One day while spotting icebergs, Rebecca sees a small boat floating, when she paddles out to get the boat, she finds a shipwrecked man. When the man, Samuel, wakes, Rebecca is the first person he sees. Samuel feels indebted to the Crow family for his survival and stays to help them throughout his recovery. Though Samuel is nineteen and Rebecca is fourteen, Samuel finds common ground with Rebecca. When the Great War begins, Samuel must return home to Toronto. However, the Crowe family and Rebecca stay in his mind and Samuel returns to them three years later to find a grown Rebecca and renew their spark.
An absolutely astonishing, epic historical romance. As someone who is not always fond of romances, this book kept me interested the whole way through. The beautiful descriptions brought me to the distinct landscape of the Newfoundland coast, also the details of different icebergs brought out their beauty, uniqueness and made them a gorgeous setting for a romance. The characters are developed with intensity and emotion. Rebecca is joyful, adventurous and hard working with a strong sense of wonder, making her easy to identify with and ride her wave of emotions as the book advances. The historical aspects of the story were also gripping. It was interesting to see Canada's involvement in the Great War and the impacts it had on the country. There is also a point of view from the trenches, read through Samuel's brother, Matthew's point of view that is raw and honest. Seldom Come By is an emotional roller coaster of a story that is high in anticipation from page to page.
This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.
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Australian-born Sherryl Caulfield is a marketer, writer and traveller. After twenty years working for some of the world’s leading technology brands and a stint with Outward Bound, she longed to write about the human experience and the redemptive qualities of nature.
In 2006, haunted by an encounter with a woman she met in Canada, Sherryl started what has now become known as The Iceberg Trilogy. From her home in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, she distilled the lives of three generations of women – Rebecca, Evangeline and Lindsay – over the course of a century. In the telling of their stories she crafted a series rich in landscapes – of sea, land and the human soul.
For more information please visit Sherryl Caulfield’s website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.