Book Title: Middle South by Maya Nessouli Abboushi
Category: Adult Fiction, 215 pages
Genre: Women's Fiction
Publisher: Lanier Press
Release date: March 8, 2017
Tour dates: April 17 to May 5, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13
Book Description:
Layla has recently moved out of her parents’ home in the Atlanta suburbs and into an apartment in the city to assert her independence. Between her job as a feature writer for a small newspaper and her social life, Layla has little time to think about marriage and children, much to the dismay of her Lebanese parents.
On a hilarious journey that takes Layla from the Southeast to the Middle East and back, she finds out a little more about herself and what she is looking for in life and in love.
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Guest Post
By: Maya Abboushi
What I Learned from Writing Middle South
Writing Middle South made me realize that I am capable of more than I thought. A lot of people have come up to me and said, “I’ve always wanted to write a novel.” I was one of those people. The truth is, if you want to be a writer, start writing. Keep a diary every night, or jot down ideas as they come to you, or log your travels. Sometimes you don't need a plan. Just sit down at your computer and start writing.
I have learned that writing is indeed a process. Over the years, I must have read Middle South a hundred times and edited it as much. The more you go through it, the better the book gets. A first draft is the first of many. That’s why it’s important to just start writing because you can always go back and edit.
I find the more I read, the better writer I become. Authors and their works inspire me. I recommend reading different genres—memoir, fiction, fantasy. They all serve to expand your palate, so to speak.
The one thing I would have done differently when writing Middle South is I wouldn’t have let my insecurities get to me. They caused me to put it away millions of times because I thought it wasn’t good enough. I would get writer’s block and use it as an excuse to close my computer and ignore it for a few months. I would have made Middle South a priority, just like everything else I consider important in my life.
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