Fifteen year-old Cait Weerd has no idea she’s being sought by the undain: sorcerous creatures of necromancy that feed off the spirit of the living. She doesn’t know the undain need her blood to survive. She doesn’t even know she’s a witch, descended from a long line of witches. Cait Weerd doesn’t know a lot, really, but all that’s about to change.
At Manchester Central Library she’s caught up in sudden, horrific violence. In the chaos she’s handed an old book that’s been hidden there and told to run, hide the book or destroy it. It contains all the secrets of the undains’ existence. They and their human servants want to find that as much as they want Cait.
What’s more, she learns that the fate of two worlds is at stake here. Just what she needs. Along with definitely-not-a-boyfriend Danny, she has to decide what the hell to do. Run, fight or just hope it all goes away.
It’s only then she learns who she really is, along with the terrible truth of what the undain have been doing in our world all this time …
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"What you send out comes back to you threefold. It's the way of nature, the way it should be. And we accept, welcome even, the price paid. After the day there must be night. After the summer, the winter."
This is the price to be paid for practicing magic, only Cait doesn't know that magic exists, or that she is a witch. When trouble from another world suddenly erupts into the basements of the Manchester Central Library, where Cait's grandmother works, Cait must learn about another world and the magic within her- quickly. The library houses many special books, some behind bars and some from other worlds. It is one of these books that the terrifying undain and a team of brutal soldiers is willing to hunt down Cait, her grandmother, her mother and Cait's friend Danny, for.
First, I loved that this began in a library, what better place for a dangerous otherworldly book to be stored? I easily fell for Cait's character. She was easily relatable and a strong character, it was fun to see her discover her magic and find strength within herself. I do wish that we didn't leave Cait for so long when the point of view switched to the other, magical world of Andar. There was a lot of world building, back-story and important characters to meet, that tied the story together as it moved along. Fer and Cait's relationship was an interesting surprise. Once the story came back into Manchester and the chase was on with the book, I was much more engaged. Also, learning all of the depth of the book, the soldiers and the ties to Andar was intriguing. The best surprise character for me was the archaeon, a literal bookworm who can supply all of the knowledge of the books it has lived in, and in our world, the world wide web. I hope he shows up again in the next book.
Read a Sample:
From Book One:
Hedge Witch Sampler
ePub: http://bit.ly/1oAJGEw
KIndle: http://bit.ly/1hfzDRv
and Book Two:
Witching Hour short stories
ePub: http://bit.ly/1iaEleh
KIndle: http://bit.ly/1ilPaLS

Simon was born on the misty Isle of Man but now lives deep in the English countryside with his wife and two daughters.
He writes science fiction and fantasy as well as some stories that can’t make their minds up.
Find out more on his website at :
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