When your last name is Charming, rescuing virgins comes with the territory -- even when the virgin in question is a nineteen-year-old college boy.
Someone, somewhere, has declared war on Kevin Kichida, and that someone has a long list of magical predators on their rolodex. The good news is that Kevin lives in a town where Ted Cahill is the new sheriff and old ally of John Charming.
The attacks on Kevin seem to be a pattern, and the more John and his new team follow that thread, the deeper they find themselves in a maze of supernatural threats, family secrets, and age-old betrayals. The more John learns, the more convinced he becomes that Kevin Kichida isn't just a victim, he's a sacrifice waiting to happen. And that thread John's following? It's really a fuse...
FEARLESS is the third novel in an urban fantasy series which gives a new twist to the Prince Charming tale. The first two novels are Charming &Daring.
John Charming is a Prince, trained by the Knights Templar to kill supernatural beings…well until he turned into one. As a werewolf and a Knight, John is a type of abomination. However, John still upholds the Pax Arcana with a strange group of other supernatural beings. Right now, John and the group are trying to figure out who unleashed a bunch of supernatural horror on 19-year-old Kevin Kichada and why. The attacks on Kevin are strange, but obviously someone wants to kill him. John and the team delve into the realm of underground supernatural fighting to find the thing trying to kill Kevin. Of course, the only way to stop this thing will be ridiculously dangerous, even for a werewolf Knight.
I didn't quite know what I was getting into with this book, especially since it was the third in a series. It can be read as a standalone; however, I think I would have preferred to read the first two books beforehand so I could be a little more filled in. I was thrown into a world with many supernatural beings and a team protecting the world from any harmful supernatural beings. All of the characters were interesting, quirky and well developed. It did take me a little while to figure out all of their relationships to each other. John was pretty awesome, I liked that he was a walking contradiction as well as his sarcastic but helpful attitude. I loved that so many different supernatural beings and creatures were introduced to me in this book, I enjoy the legend of the each uisge and was glad that it was the first creature introduced. I also really liked the underground fighting circle, there were some awesome fight scenes and it was a great way to meet a lot of different characters and see their powers in action. Overall, a charming a funny urban fantasy, supernatural romp.
About the Author:
About Elliott James: An army brat and gypsy scholar, ELLIOTT JAMES is currently living in the Blue Ridge mountains of southwest Virginia. He’s been an avid reader since the age of three (or that's what his family swears anyhow), and he has an abiding interest in mythology, martial arts, live music, hiking, and used bookstores.