Book Details:
Book Title: A Bully on the School Bus by Dr. Mildred D. Peyton and Leah N. Peyton
Illustrator: Andy Hoang
Category: Children's fiction, 26 pages
Genre: Education, Social Skills & School Life
Publisher: CreateSpace
Release date: Sept 2015
Tour dates: Oct 8 to 26 2018
Content Rating: G
Book Description:
Nicole is the main character in the book "A Bully on the School Bus." Nicole is a young girl who rides the school bus to school every day. It wasn't until Nicole started experiencing problems with another bus-rider named Dylan when she became uncomfortable being on this bus. Her experience with Dylan is a form of bullying, and she was frightened. After several incidences, Nicole made her parent aware and found a way to solve the problem.
To read reviews, please visit Dr. Mildren Peyton's page on iRead Book Tours.
Every day Nicole rides the school bus. One day, Dylan tells Nicole that he needs to sit where she is sitting and bullies her into a different seat. The next day Nicole chooses a different seat, but Dylan still insists that he needs to sit where Nicole is sitting. Nicole talks to her mom and the bus driver to help solve her problem.
“A Bully on the School Bus” deals with what bullying might look like at a young age. There was emphasis on how something that seems like a non-issue, such as switching seats on the bus can quickly escalate into verbal and physical harassment and bullying. Through Nicole's story, children are given several strategies for coping such as talking to a parent and the adult on the bus. However, things in the book are resolved fairly quickly and easily after that which I highly doubt happens routinely in real life. The pictures in this book are bright and colorful, which makes them attractive to young children, but a little cartoony, which doesn't fit the serious content of the book. Overall, a good book to read to all children to help them understand what bullying can look like and what to do when they are bullied or see bullying.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Dr. Mildred Peyton is the President and Founder of Peyton Consulting, LLC. Dr. Peyton established her consulting firm, which was initially geared towards school bullying services, in March 2016. She was inspired to create Peyton Consulting and become a children's author on bullying after completing her doctoral research study entitled, "Exploring the Meaning of School Bullying Among Parents of Victimized Children."
During her undergraduate internship in 2002-2003 at Salisbury Middle School in Wicomico County, Dr. Peyton and her team developed and facilitated a mentoring program, providing one-on-one conflict resolution and mediating skills to students who were identified by the program coordinator with ongoing needs of behavioral issues. One of the key/primary areas Dr. Peyton and the other mentors focused on was educating and addressing bullying issues with bullies and victims. And in her graduate program, Dr. Peyton also facilitated a school bullying focus group in 2005 at Maryvale Elementary School in Montgomery County, to teach participants about bullying behaviors and how to avoid bullying others. She also attended several bullying workshops to learn about the latest studies while working with the students. Her passion on this topic followed her even as she served as a member on the Committee on Hate/Violence at Montgomery County Office of Human Rights, in 2013. There she developed a brochure for students and parents for the annual bullying symposium and, provided rich knowledge and skills on this topic throughout the year.
Today, the company has expanded its services to target workplace bullying as well. With the experiences of others and Dr. Peyton's personal experience with adult bullying in the workplace (which caused her to resign from her employer in 2016), she believes attention, guidance, and solutions are also critical in this area. Dr. Peyton holds a Ph.D. in Human and Social Services with a concentration in Social Policy Analysis & Planning. She has a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and Sociology and a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology. Dr. Peyton is committed to using her knowledge and skills to influence positive change among students and adults.
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