When Larry decided to put down his ailing family cat, fate would have it that his veterinarian had received a very abused dog that had been used as bait. This one-eared, goofy-looking, white dog took an instant liking to Dan and his twin sons. The deal was sealed, the dog that had almost had been put down was now part of a family. Named Oogy by Larry for the unique facial features that his past injuries had given him, this family's life was about to change forever.
It always amazes me how abused and injured dogs can be some of the most loving, and Oogy is no exception. It was touching to hear of Larry's care for Oogy and how Oogy immediately made himself part of the family and earned the name of 'the third twin' with his sons. I felt the same way when I adopted my pit-mix, and do not know how I ever lived without her. Oogy, was believed to be a pit-mix (isn't every dog nowadays?), but is really a Dogo Argentino, either way, Oogy, Larry and his family went through the same sort of breed discrimination that I have so often faced. While I do not agree with all of the decisions the family made (a shock collar for an abused dog!?!?) , Oogy's story is amazing and it is obvious that he is loved.