Dark Wood Dark Water presented and intriguing mystery and a multi-layered horror story. It did take me a while to get into and to sort out all of the characters. There were quite a few characters introduced at the beginning and the chapters switched between their points of view. This made it difficult for me to place how everyone fit together. Once the three main characters were together,this was a bit easier. I enjoyed the connection to the past and the uniqueness of the curse, however I was left confused with some of the characters that played a part in the curse. I am still unsure as to what role Alma and Richard played and I'm not sure they were even necessary to the plot. Josh, Gabe and Kate were well thought out and were characters that I cared about. I would have loved a little more information as to how the curse began in the past, it seemed like the originator of the curse was dabbling in some dark arts that may have been rooted in Bailey even before the curse began. The horror elements kept me reading as they ranged from haunting to gruesome to psychological. Overall, a unique young adult horror that could use a bit more polishing up.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.