This book has the most wonderful first sentence: “There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife.” Coupled with the eerie illustration, I was immediately pulled in. Like the other Neil Gaimen stories that I have read, The Graveyard Book has a way of mystifying and delighting, scaring and comforting at the same time. I fell in love with Bod from the moment that he toddled away from his crib, he was obviously very special, but we have no clue why. I wanted to explore all of the nooks and crannies of the graveyard and get to know all of the old ghosts right along with Bod. Through all of his adventures, befriending a witch, opening a ghoul gate, exploring the crypt of the Sleer and going to school with real children, I had almost forgotten that Bod’s family was murdered in cold blood and the killer is still after him. When Bod’s assassin finally resurfaces, the mystery is brought to light and the deeper danger is revealed. In a style like no other, The Graveyard Book blends dark fantasy, adventure and whimsy together for a wonderful story.