So, I'm a huge fan of fairy tale retellings and I obviously loved this combination of two different fairy tales. The merging of the two tales was done very creatively and not at all what I had expected. I was not expecting Eglantine to be such a prominent character since she was asleep; however, her ability to dream herself into Prince Henry's life made her an important figure. I was surprised that Prince Henry acknowledged the woman that only he could see in his everyday life, making many of his advisers and subjects think he was crazy. The beast was also unexpected to me, not a man, but a terrible past trapped inside of a young woman. I was most intrigued by the beast or Ovinia's character and I would have loved to learn more of her past. Of course, in the end and in true fairy tale fashion, love finds a way to break the curse.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.