I have always had a hard time reading books like this and I knew that Mighty Mary would be no different. Especially since she was a real elephant and the terrible events that led to her death are true. Mighty Mary is mostly written from Mary's point of view and displays the emotional depth that Mary and all elephants are capable of as well as the psychological changes that happen when we take an animal from the wild and attempt to tame it. Mary's inner dialogue is heartbreaking as she is pulled from her mother and her home and dragged into the unknown to be cruelly treated, tormented, beaten and threatened with the bull stick that haunts her memories. Mary attempts to find any connection with any living thing, even the predators was wrenching to me and when she finally gave up and seemed to forget who she was, I knew it was the beginning of the end. Books like Mighty Mary remind me and all of us that we can do better for the animals that we share this world with and that any less is cruelty.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.