A shocking email has just been sent to the entire student body at St. Joseph's, a small prestigious high school in Massachusetts. As lead reporter for the Warrior Weekly, Eden is placed as lead reporter for the ground breaking story. The email showed the nude pictures of seven senior girls who attend St. Joe's. Mysteriously, the email was signed by Eros leaving everyone guessing at the identity of the perpetrator. The school administration jumps immediately to condemn the actions of the email sender, but also does not want word getting outside of the school community. Since all of the students exposed were over 18 years old, there is no crime committed under state law. Eden jumps on the story and begins to document how it has affected the girls that are involved. However, once the first part of her story comes out in the Warrior Weekly, the principle shuts down any further stories about what has been dubbed Nudegate. Eden, however, can not drop such an important story, especially when it is helping the girls express their views.
Revenge of the Sluts is a powerful and timely young adult contemporary novel about the unfortunate realities of growing up in the digital age. The story jumps right into the action with the students receiving the email. As Eden opens the email we are given insight into her character as she chooses not to scroll through all the pictures and go comfort one of the girls instead. I should have been surprised about the way the school reacted, with its priorities protecting the school and not the victims; however, this accurately mirrors how young women are treated in many situations. As Nudegate unfolds, I appreciated that the affected group of girls banded together to form their own support group, The Slut Squad, and reclaim their identities any way they could. As Eden dives deeper into their group and the mystery of the email sender, she discovers the importance of girls supporting one another. Furthermore, Eden learns how to be brave and connect with other students as she covers the story. The mystery of the email sender, Eros, was present throughout the story but didn't really take prevalence until the end as Eden and the Slut Squad stop focusing on who they want the perpetrator to be and are able to think about who really had a motive for such a personalized attack. While I'm glad that all of the girls in the story were able to rise above the attack, revenge porn is still an issue that haunts many today.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.