Fatal Option- A Thriller!
Here is my review:
Stephen Porter has just heard some terrible news about the insurance claim concerning his wife's death. He begins a night a binge drinking knowing that his son, Kenneth is safely in his room nursing a black eye after upsetting the school the school hot-head and his daughter, Sara is supposedly a few houses away in their cul-de-sac sleeping over at her friend Madison's house. However, when the weather begins to turn and the roads turn to ice, Stephen receives a call from Sara saying she is stranded on Rolling Road at a teacher's house and near the site of her mother's death, Stephen begins to panic. Eventually, he decides to go save his daughter himself even though he is a little buzzed. Stephen doesn't know that Aiden, the autistic younger brother of the teacher she was visiting is lost outside in the dark that night. When the collision inevitably happens, Stephen opens up a can of worms concerning the death of his wife, the death of three other women that died similarly, and the troubled mind of teacher, Kieran O'Shea.
This is the type of thriller where you just have to go along for the ride. Every time that I thought I had an idea of where the author was going with the story, there was a new twist. The suspense of the story is layered through carefully guarded secrets of many of the town's inhabitants. Secrets, the fact that we will do anything for our children and the struggle between good vs. evil were central themes. I do like that in many of the characters, there was a grey area between good and bad. Characters that I thought that I had pegged turned out to be someone different. Sara's teacher, Kieran turned out to be one of the most interesting characters, he was not exactly who I thought, but still harbored evil within. His relationship with Sara was something I'm still having trouble with, it seems like either Sara or Kieran should be smart enough to stop a romance that is asking for trouble. I also wish that Kieran's life was explored a little more; there was some back story, but it seemed like his story could have gone further. I can't say much more without giving things away, but in the end I was thoroughly surprised at how everything came out with a bang. I do wonder if anyone else in the town is alive afterwards and I truly wondered about the fate of Kieran and Stephen. Overall, an intense thriller that has a lot going on and will keep you guessing until the end.
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